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Informacje o produkcie: Meridian
Meridian EDMS pomaga zespołom zoptymalizować zarządzanie cyklem życia produktu, zapewnia bezpieczeństwo i zgodność z przepisami oraz maksymalizuje współpracę.
Documents kan be saved to vaults with the same hierarchy needed to interface with an asset management application.
In Portal you can't see what went wrong and it causes issues after the fact.
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Managinng technical drawings and documents
Komentarze: Support is excellent for this application. The consultants are extremely helpful.
Documents kan be saved to vaults with the same hierarchy needed to interface with an asset management application.
There is a fairly steep learning curve in order to use all of the functions of this application adequately.
Meridian User
Komentarze: overall has been good. Good support from the application
capability to tag assets, how to view revision history
our company experience a lot of error messages, but trying to figure out if it has to do with the fact that we use a different platform to access the applications
Meridian Review 2024
Komentarze: Meridian Enterprise is (one of) the best EDM Systems on the market with efficient and effective search capabilities to edit and store the latest accurate documentation.
Meridian Enterprise is (one of) the best EDM Systems on the market with efficient and effective search capabilities to edit and store the latest accurate documentation.
Meridian Portal is still not on par and needs a lot more configuration as it is not user friendly and has issues communicating well with Power. Many users get very confused because of the minimal information on the document status in the workflow. Meridian Power and Explorer are much more intuitive and if something is entered incorrectly one gets an error message with clarification. In Portal you can't see what went wrong and it causes issues after the fact.
Meridian software review
Komentarze: I am working with this software since more than 20 years today and I am very familiar with functionnalities and issues. When a new functionnality is implemented, it is less likely to be mature at first. Support time response from your engineering department need to be improved. Being supported by a third party makes too much layer to get support from Engineering department. Aligning schedule of everyone make anoying delays on response time. Over all we still had a good experience and we are very proud of having this software so far.
It is integrated with software on user side It can manage CAD files Capability to work remotely and off line BIM in mind for the future
Support for bugs or issues are very long to get resolved when it hits Accruent engineering department. Lack of explanation or documentation on how to use the Power interface remotely with CAD sofware integration. There is no clear details how best to use it with Autodesk products especially in our case with Inventor. We often find issues on new release version and it get frustated to see the time it takes to get issues fixed. Being supported by a third party, it get hard to be supported by Accruent on a timely manner.
Senior Civil Engineering Assistant
Komentarze: I am a document controller for over a hundred engineers for an electric hydro utility for Seattle.
Being able to organize and make accessible engineering documents for all to see. I also like being able to view current and past document revisions and keep things up-to-date and accurate.
Some find Meridian PowerWeb cumbersome to use.
My review Shannon Knotts
Komentarze: Has been successful. The aws agreement has been beneficial partnership
Custom workflow configuration, industry standard approach
Renditions configuration can be difficult to manage.
Meridian Cloud Review
Komentarze: So far so good. Cloud works for us. The simplified design of cloud has helped go back and truly understand what our business requirements are.
Meridian cloud enables non IT users to move their drawings tp the platform without much IT support.
It freezes at times. Cloud bandwidth needs boosting.
Komentarze: The overall experience has been pretty good. However the learning curve is robust.
That it is web based. Importing tool. Workflowing.
The ability to move to cloud from a Life Sciences standpoint.
New to Meridian, still learning
Komentarze: I am new to Meridian and still learning a bunch.
The layout is good and easy to locate most of the information we are looking for
Some of the configurations can be complex
Good documentation management product
Ease of use - easy to store, retrieve and print documents.
There are a few bugs in the system. While a few have been resolved, a few more have surfaced.
General thoughts
Komentarze: Average to above average overall. Keeps sustaining AutoCAD drawings organized and locked down. Great use of revision history comparison.
Organizes sustaining drawings well and work flow in handing off and releasing to production with multiple duplicate copies made for other locations.
Hard to find stuff even with the search feature. Very clunky adding files and the wizard use. Upgrading is difficult.
Organize Your Assets With Ease
Komentarze: We documented our assets and their history with Meridian Enterprise from BlueCielo and are confident we can use this for a very long time.
Meridian Enterprise organizes our assets by storing them in 'vaults'. All assets can be documented with drawings, graphics, maintenance information and so on. This makes it possible to document large infrastructure projects and to disclose this information to a larger public. Also, it can be linked to other information systems, so the information becomes even more accessible.
It takes some time to learn how to use it. Also, for full access, a desktop client is required. It does not operate in a pure web based manner.
Multidimensional document management system
Komentarze: Good softwareproduct with lots of opportunities
The system is very versatile and has many functionalities
Because of the many functionalities, it is important to clearly define what you are using it for. The disadvantage is the implementation that was done in our case by a third party. It would be better for BlueCielo to take care of the implementation process itself.
In controle of (technical) documents
The centralization of all technical documents gives each college the same source.
In the next phase we will consider to stop with hard copies.
Keyrole in centralisation of documents with great and strong search options.
The struggle during the implementation, which is partly still there.