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Informacje o produkcie: Inuvika OVD Enterprise

Dostarczaj aplikacje Windows i Linux oraz współdzielone desktopy z chmury prywatnej lub publicznej na dowolne urządzenie, bez kosztów i złożoności VDI (infrastruktury pulpitu wirtualnego).

Dowiedz się więcej na temat produktu: Inuvika OVD Enterprise





Oceny produktu: Inuvika OVD Enterprise

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9,7/ 10

Inuvika OVD Enterprise ma ogólną ocenę 5 na 5 w oparciu o recenzje użytkowników na Capterra w liczbie: 11.

Czy używałeś już produktu: Inuvika OVD Enterprise?

Dziel się swoimi doświadczeniami z innymi nabywcami oprogramowania.

Filtruj recenzje (11)

Headhunter w kraju: Holandia
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Pozyskiwanie personelu i rekrutacja, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Great user experience, easy to get started, great price!

5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: Since working hybrid/ remote is becoming the standard, we had to adjust our methods. Knowing that we are dependent on our applications, we need to have access everywhere, anytime. Inuvika's OVD makes that possible.


The implementation of Inuvika's OVD went really smooth. Did not take long at all so no valuable time was lost during the onboarding process. Also, being able to acces different type of apps on any device provides us with endless possibilities.


None, till this moment we haven't been limited in our day-to-day work.

Consultant w kraju: USA
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: Bezpłatna wersja próbna
Źródło recenzenta

Inuvika is a better way to virtualize workspaces in today's ever-changing workplace.

5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: Inuvika, is simple to deploy, easy to run and best of all less expensive to the alternatives. It is so simple to deploy it reduces the need for outside consultants.


Inuvika, allows a business to deliver critical applications to users from the cloud to a provide a fast and secure virtual digital workspace experience for users. It is easy to deploy and manage and half the cost of similar solutions. This is the best solution I have seen in years.


Native Okta integration would be great. OVD 3.2 does have Okta support, but that is through SAML but not native directory,

IT Supervisor (current) w kraju: Kanada
Papier i produkty leśne, Pracownicy: 1 001–5 000
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Inexpensive tool to publish applications virtually

5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: Our major win was relaying less on supplying company laptops for remote work, people could use their own personal devices at home, and in emergencies, they could technically access tools from a friends computer if they had to.


We mostly used the software to allow user population to connect to the corporate network from anywhere they had access to a computer. it was safe and secure, and the performance was great.


None really, possibly some of the initial implementation tasks but these are very well documented so the learning curve was low.

Network Engineer w kraju: USA
Sieci komputerowe, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Perfect small and medium sized business.

5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: Easy product for the end user and I have very few support issues.


The latest version has great video acceleration.


So far I Have Yet to find a con with this product. The end users give good reviews.

Senior Director w kraju: USA
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

User since 2014

5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: Great team, great product, and outstanding support from trial through to production.


Application mode is as easy to use as my own desktop.


The mobile client could use minor updates.

Sr Virtualization Engineer w kraju: USA
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Inuvika delivering needed technology

5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: From pilot to production, the solution delivered what was promised and well adopted to end user community.


Application delivery works seamlessly on multiple end user devices with excellent performance for end users. Ease of maintenance and enhanced features meet the needs of our users. Cost model compared to other solutions that delivery same type of features and robustness was at lease 2x from infrastructure to licensing.


Initial integration to LDAP domains was a bit "tricky" compared to other solutions, but was able to work within product to iron things out well.

Cloud Architect w kraju: USA
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta


5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: Overall experience is very good


Features and ability to integrate to any enterprise source.


Ability to custom brand or Whitelabel ourselves with any settings. Needs some improvement in printing. Ability to integrate with various IDP sources from admin console.

CEO w kraju: Japonia
Internet, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Multi-OS Desktop Virtualization

5,0 2 lata temu


We believe that paying taxes to Microsoft is very silly.With Inuvika, we will be able to gradually move away from Microsoft products.


System integrators will be pleased with the ability to build with Docker and Kubernetes.

Managing Partner w kraju: USA
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Virtual Desktops Deployed Securely and Easily

5,0 2 lata temu


Inuvika was built as a secure system and supported not only Windows but Linux applications. It is easy to deploy and manage with a single pane of glass as the admin console.


The features I think have been missing are the ability to easily sync both the desktop and web app to Azure.Good news is that this has been added in the latest update!

Strategic Accounts/Projects w kraju: USA
Usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

OVD is a truly viable solution for virtualization

5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: Working as from the sales/implementation side, for the customers I have helped, they love the product. Within a little time they are able to administer the system and publish applications quickly. The cost is less that other brands so it makes it a truly viable solution to be looked at.


The ease of setup, usually within a few hours and how simple it is to distribute applications out. The leaning curve is much less than other brands.


It would be nice to have a perpetual license. The current model is subscription, but for any organization that is unaware of their budget each year this could be a problem.

Professor w kraju: Brazylia
Szkolnictwo podstawowe/średnie, Pracownicy: 501–1 000
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: Bezpłatna wersja próbna
Źródło recenzenta

CRM Hospitalar com Inuvika OVD Enterprise e Raspbery PI 3

5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: Obtive uma ótima experência utilizando o Inuvika OVD Enterpires, com uma infra-estrutura enxuta, pois trabalhava na TI de um Hospital 100% SUS, não hávia muitos recursos disponíveis, contudo utilizando o Inuvika conseguimos também reduzir os custos de aquisão do end-point sem perder performanse no CRM.


O Inuvika OVD Interprise é um software de fácil utliziação em todos os níves, na entrega ao usuários ele tem na tela justamente o que necessita para trabalhar via web-browser e que isso em meu ponto de vista é excelente, já para a administração há um ferramental excelente com uma interface amigavel e intuitiva, também gostei muito da granularidade em que posso disponibilizar o software que necessito e com um bom nível de permissão e claro com integração com o Active Directory.


Apenas um detalhe que ao entregar uma máquina vida RDP no browser, conseguimos acessar os serviços do windows.Mas sempre trabalhei com a entrega via browser.