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Recenzje produktu: CAFLOU

5,0 (28)

Informacje o produkcie: CAFLOU

CAFLOU to łatwy w użyciu system zarządzania biznesem dla małych i średnich firm. Zapewnia ono doskonałą obsługę wszystkim specjalistom. Rozpocznij bezpłatne korzystanie.

Dowiedz się więcej na temat produktu: CAFLOU


Pros of this software are clarity, ease of use, intuitiveness. Thanks to [SENSITIVE CONTENT] and his team.


The only downside is chaoticity at the beginning of use. But you get used to it quickly.

Oceny produktu: CAFLOU

Średni wynik

Łatwość użytkowania
Obsługa klienta
Warte swojej ceny

Prawdopodobieństwo polecenia

9,7/ 10

CAFLOU ma ogólną ocenę 5,0 na 5 w oparciu o recenzje użytkowników na Capterra w liczbie: 28.

Czy używałeś już produktu: CAFLOU?

Dziel się swoimi doświadczeniami z innymi nabywcami oprogramowania.

Filtruj recenzje (28)

Founder w kraju: Indie
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Marketing i reklama, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 1–5 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Simplified business and finance management for small businesses.

5,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: My verdict: CAFLOU is a great productivity tool that saves a lot of your time and helps manage projects, teams, and cash flow effectively.


For Marketing Agency owners like me - CAFLOU came as the biggest campaign management relief. I mainly use CAFLOU for campaign management and tracking my agency finance. What I liked the most in CAFLOU: 1 / It's easy to configure the campaign (project) management feature is a great help for me. I can easily keep my team and client in a loop about what's going on, what are the next steps and what are the pending tasks. 2 / The seamless collaboration helped us reduce the meeting and communication time - and save almost 8-10 Hrs a week. 3 / CAFLOU's finance management feature is so cool that - I can effortlessly send recurring invoices, notify clients about pending payments, clear receivables timely and track the health of cash flow.


Honestly speaking, I didn't face any major issues by now. Everything is well organised and kept simplified.

Freelancer w kraju: Czechy
Marketing i reklama, Samozatrudnienie
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne:

Very usefull software for freelancers and also agencies

5,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: With Caflou I have been working for 6 years. I implemented it into marketing agency and this step was very easy. Process in Caflou are intuitive and technical support is max. helpful. I also use this software as a freelancer and it helps me manage projects and each tasks.


Pros of this software are clarity, ease of use, intuitiveness. Thanks to [SENSITIVE CONTENT] and his team.


I don´t have any cons. Maybe for someone can be difficult to apply processes, which are made in Caflou. It is difficult to customize the system, change the architecture and rules. But it is well done.

Consultant w kraju: Czechy
Logistyka i łańcuch dostaw, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Base App For Freelancers

4,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: I use caflou for managing my own project in my freelance career. I manage cashflow and use it for invoicing, making quotes, making reports and for managing my tasks. I use exports of reports for my customers.


It is easy to use that. The app helps you during starting your business because it includes everything what you need in one package.


External acces for customers in lower licence type (i Think it could be available in base). Better planning and scheduling of tasks (Here is WBS), but planning isn't able to set new datum when you move with it in gant or WBS.

Marketing w kraju: Włochy
Meblarstwo, Pracownicy: 51–200
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Not exactly intuitive, but effective

5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: I really liked the possibility of concentrating all communications, expenses, income of each client and project in one place. This allowed me to understand the profitability of each project and immediately see the finances and what was happening.


A project management tool among the best. It allows you to plan, collaborate, track projects in all their facets. It has allowed me to maintain more profitable customer relationships and manage my time. The price is undoubtedly very positive.


I couldn't sync everything with my Outlook calendar. For some it may be difficult to use, the dynamics are not simple at first sight.

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Szkolnictwo wyższe, Pracownicy: 5 001–10 000
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 1–5 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Essential tool for keeping your business organized

5,0 2 lata temu


It helps you keep track of the cashflow in your business, control your payments and meet the deadlines. Easy and fast invoice creation. Helps identifying expenses sources and reduce them.


There is not something I do not like, it is a very helpful software and I totally recommend it!

CTO w kraju: Czechy
Oprogramowanie komputerowe, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Caflou for agency

5,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: Plan Cashflow -> Plan project -> create task -> Track time -> create invoice. It is our important flow in this app. We have a really good control in our economy.


We have all datas in one tool. We do not need to use more tools to get our business targets. We have just one app for everything we need.


We are missing strong automatization tool to create custom events. The Caflou has already some feature to do that, but it is still a little bit simple.

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Sport, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

Best SaaS software for manage a company

5,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: I solve my tasks with Caflou and manage my team members, invoicing to my clients and watch my company cashflow.


Caflou has nice mobile application with push notifications, so I can immediately see what happened in Caflou. Invoicing system is very helpful, e.g. it automatically informs about unpaid invoices.


Caflou has connection possibilities to other softwares, automatization processes.

owner w kraju: Czechy
Nanotechnologia, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

We searched for a long time

5,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: Really perfect, after so many tries of different SW before.


All in one, user-friendly and still developing, without the user missing something they are used to.


Mainly the calendar, which is a bit forgotten in the past (visually).

Sales Manager w kraju: Czechy
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

our Caflow use

5,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: Ongoing support and continuous development is main benefit for us !


We've started with Cashflow management only. We rolled out Project management and Task management with tracking od time spent on activities then. Next we started to use Invoicing module.


There is always features to be improved, but we like possibility to discuss it with developers and other users.

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Marketing i reklama, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 1–5 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Very positive experience with Caflou!

5,0 3 lata temu


The software is very easy to use and makes our lives easier. It helps us to stay on track and especially helps us with the organization of our company!


The integration process with our company was very easy and we are not missing any features for now.

Founder w kraju: Węgry
Kadry, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

It's good to know who you are

5,0 3 lata temu


Absolutely easy to use, reliable software with a fantastic team behind. If you're getting stuck you can be sure the answer is coming in 5 minutes. Always friendly and patient customer service. The system is flexible and was created for thinkers and planners;)


I would be happy with a more professional App

Founder, general manager, consulatnt w kraju: Czechy
Księgowość, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne:


5,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: It is very good product with great support in case you have questions.


Easy and add new useful features quite often.


I just miss direct connection to our bookkeeping system.

CEO w kraju: Czechy
Projektowanie graficzne, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta


5,0 3 lata temu


- unlimited tasks/project, - time tracking for a specific task, - continuous development, - exports, - possibility of invoicing directly from the application (but I do not use)


nothing important, maybe a system of business economics, but it's subjective

CEO w kraju: Czechy
Projektowanie graficzne, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Simple and ever improving project and order management system.

5,0 7 lat temu

Komentarze: Finally project management system I was looking for (thanks to Czech language which need some of our employees)


A highly structured system of projects and tasks, including simple handover to colleagues. At first glance, the visible development of the project or task, including the person in charge. Everything can be changed in one click in the project / task list. Adding companies is very simple, just enter ID and the rest is loaded from the internet database. Each task can be tracked by in-programme timer and the minutes spent by the job and this is simply flipped into the statement and subsequent billing that is part of the system. Every month, there is many upgrades, which reflects wishes and experiences of its users. If you have any problem or question, you can contact support by in-programme chat and you get answer in few minutes.


Some functionality would be a little bit better, but if you write it to development team, they work it in next or future upgrade.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: CAFLOU

7 lat temu

Dear Lukas, thank you very much for your review. We promise we will keep working to make Caflou and it's features better! Thanks, Petr

jednatel w kraju: Czechy
Budownictwo, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Caflou is the best software

5,0 3 lata temu


Complexity, simplicity, speed, clarity..


I'm satisfied so far. The software fully suits me.

QA Engineer w kraju: Czechy
Oprogramowanie komputerowe, Pracownicy: 201–500
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Really the simplest way to manage your business

5,0 3 lata temu


The most important feature of Caflou is that Caflou can replace many various applications like JIRA or iDoklad etc.


Sometimes is this sw quite complicated at first sign but if you know what you are doing it is very powerful app for administration.

copywriter w kraju: Czechy
Marketing i reklama, Samozatrudnienie
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Caflou is helping me on daily base manage my cashflow and generate invoices pretty easily.

5,0 7 lat temu

Komentarze: I can save my time with this software. Especially I like the options to make invoices quickly and share them very easily. The whole team and especially Customer rep is a very kind guy and I can see on him, that he really wanna help out people like me to solve their problems and make their life easier. I recommend him and his project 150% for all who want whole office soft in ONE pack.


Generate invoices easily and share them instantly. Option to manage my goals and link them to different projects. Very intuitive databases of my clients and coworkers. I also can see my cashflow in general or simply filter it, so it's obvious how I am doing in particular time. It is also possible to setup some payments repeatedly, co you don't have to renew them every month. What I also like is possibility to connect timer with a certain project and make work statement easily. It's very good for every company with more employees.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: CAFLOU

7 lat temu

Jakub, thank you very much for your review, great to here that you are so happy with Caflou and I am sure that once you start using other features more actively, you will like it even more :-) Thank you, Petr

CEO w kraju: Czechy
Doradztwo w zakresie zarządzania, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

We love this product. Our company uses it every day (and night) and I will always recommend it.

5,0 7 lat temu

Komentarze: Overview of my company, clients, projects... Planning - incomes/outcomes. Freedom of working without being every day in my office.


easy to use, for whole team - many possibilities how to organize project and tasks, company-project-task overview, cashflow graphs, invoices and many other things


I would say almost nothing. Maybe - I (as a superadmin) can 't change username to others (they have to make it themselves) and there is no module how to connect it to my outlook callendar) but I am able to live without this...

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: CAFLOU

7 lat temu

Dear Jan, thank you very much for you review. About your suggestions - we will alow administrators change names of their users in near future. Also, we now allow to automatically sync Caflou calendar via url, to your events from Caflou can be looked up in other calendars, like Google :-) Thank you, Petr

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Sztuka i rzemiosło, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Powerful business management solution

5,0 5 lat temu

Komentarze: Overall Caflou reduced chaos in our company and helped organize our processes.


Easy to use by our whole team, with very good reporting and all tools required by our company to manage most of our business processes.


We haven't had any issues with Caflou so far. The only thing is probably the user management which can improve a bit.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: CAFLOU

5 lat temu

Thank you very much for your kind response! It would be great if you could get in touch with us and discuss user management in Caflou so we can see how it can be improved. Thank you very much, Petr Macek for the Caflou team.

Managing Director w kraju: Wlk. Bryt.
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

an excellent software, very easy to use, great customer service, overall brilliant app!

5,0 7 lat temu


- Very easy to use, - always fully available and online - great combination of manager's tools which a company needs - great value for the money, very good and available support, - helps our company to be more organized, and to have all relevant data at one place, saves time

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: CAFLOU

7 lat temu

Dear Richard, thank you very much for your assessment, we are so glad that Caflou helps your company! Thank you, Petr.

Project Manager w kraju: Francja
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta


5,0 2 lata temu

Komentarze: It has all the tools needed for project management in general. It is easy to use. I strongly recommend it.


What I like most about CAFLOU is that its interface is intuitive and usable. This intuitive approach makes my work both easier and faster. You can easily monitor and manage the campaign here.


In some parts of the interface, the contrast may fall in the background.

Manager w kraju: Czechy
Budownictwo, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

I have been using Caflou for more than half a year. It's the best program I know.

5,0 7 lat temu

Komentarze: Everything I need is in one place. Finally, I have an overview of my projects. It saves me time and money!


Simplicity, overview, functionality and acceptable price. The program is constantly being developed.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: CAFLOU

7 lat temu

Dear Jiri, thanks so much for your review, we are very glad that Caflou saves your time and money, that was our goal all along. Thank you, Petr

Creative Director w kraju: Czechy
Projektowanie graficzne, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

I'm glad I have found Caflou. It's a simple but comprehensive solution for our business.

5,0 7 lat temu


We have been using Caflow one year. I appreciate the easy deployment to our company, the perfect overview of cashflow thanks to graphs and, most of all, continuous improvement.


Nothing important. We are very satisfied with the product. Maybe, I would like to export excel tables from the cashlow module.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: CAFLOU

7 lat temu

Dear Jan, thank you very much for your review and that it helps you in your business, that's what we want. Regarding export of data from the cashflow feature, we already have it planned, you will get it in a few weeks ;-) Thanks, Petr

CEO w kraju: Czechy
Oprogramowanie komputerowe, Samozatrudnienie
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Best tool for organize my business. This software has totally wowed me.

5,0 7 lat temu

Komentarze: Thanks to this software I have the system in my business.


On this software I appreciate that I have all the necessary things in one place. Suddenly I do not need a lot of other programs. Just one. Caflou.


This software is ideal. The only downside is chaoticity at the beginning of use. But you get used to it quickly.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: CAFLOU

7 lat temu

Dear Vit, thanks a lot for your review! And thanks for youur feedback, we will work on our onboarding process for sure, to help users start smoothier. Thank you, Petr

CEO w kraju: Czechy
Doradztwo w zakresie zarządzania, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

we uses it daily and are fully satisfied...

5,0 7 lat temu


easy to use, nice graphs, easy to make invoices and in/outcomes overview, projects with costs and revenues...


We would like to distribute our mails to the customers and there is no possibility how to connect it with f.e. Mailchimp

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: CAFLOU

7 lat temu

Dear Petra, thank you so much for your review, we really appreciate it. We are considering an emailing solution directly in Caflou, so you would be able to send emails in bulk to your clients. So when this is implemented I will let you know asap. Thank you, Petr.