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Radware DDoS Protection
Czym jest Radware DDoS Protection?
DefensePro chroni systemy przed atakami opartymi na IoT, Burst, DNS, TLS i SSL, aby chronić firmy przed pojawiającymi się wielowektorowymi atakami sieciowymi, kampaniami DDoS dla okupu, botnetami IoT, phantom floods i innymi rodzajami cyberataków. Funkcja wykrywania oparta na zachowaniu umożliwia podmiotom wykrywanie zagrożeń w czasie rzeczywistym i minimalizowanie fałszywych alarmów. Oprogramowanie chroni korporacje przed atakami typu SSL flood, nie naruszając prywatności użytkowników i nie zwiększając opóźnień. Ponadto automatycznie generuje i charakteryzuje sygnatury ataków w celu zabezpieczenia systemów przed atakami typu zero-day i różnymi nieznanymi atakami. Firmy mogą również korzystać z wielu opcji wdrażania i wykorzystywać dynamiczne algorytmy DoS oraz usługi analizy zagrożeń w czasie rzeczywistym, aby stworzyć wielowarstwową ochronę.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Radware DDoS Protection?
DefensePro jest rozwiązaniem skierowanym do firm z branży e-commerce, ubezpieczeń, opieki zdrowotnej, IT, telekomunikacji, motoryzacji, nieruchomości i bankowości, które wykorzystują systemy chmurowe.
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Radware DDoS Protection
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Radware DDoS Protection – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników
Średni wynik
Recenzje według wielkości firmy (pracownicy)
- <50
- 51-200
- 201-1 000
- >1 001
Filtruj recenzje według punktacji
Radware Cloud DDoS Protection
Komentarze: Very good in general but I preferred to have more analytics feature inside
Ease to configure, the assets can be easily activated and deactivated. Good the dashboard
Some feature just like Network Analytics should be free
Next generation protection against DDoS Attack
Komentarze: Overall it has been an excellent experience. With the new protection we can contain encrypted attacks and now we also have better DNS protection. Cybercontroller adds a very good management layer with which you can observe traffic behavior and make precise adjustments.
Quick and easy implementation, excellent dashboard for decision making and perfect integration with the cyber controller.
When you have a multi-address attack and you download a report in the forensics module, you cannot see the individual addresses.
Asegurando la Disponibilidad de servicios criticos
Komentarze: Radware's DDoS solution has allowed us, through its different policies, to maintain control of the services published by the organization, keeping our environment secured for more than 3 years, which has allowed us to generate trust with our internal and external clients.
What I like most about the solution is its resilience to counteract the different attacks that occur against the organization's services and its ease of implementing policies that improve security.
As such, there is no point that I don't like about the solution. I think what could be affected by its widespread use is that for some organizations it can be a bit expensive.
Escudo DDos
Komentarze: No hemos sido víctimas de la materialización de ataques DDoS gracias en gran parte al alto índice de efectividad que tiene Radware para controlarlos.
Protección en tiempo real contra ataques DDoS, detectando y mitigando amenazas de manera instantánea para mantener la disponibilidad de servicios. Además, su infraestructura de mitigación es altamente escalable, lo que permite manejar grandes volúmenes de tráfico malicioso sin afectar el rendimiento de los servicios legítimos.
Pueden ser costosa, especialmente para pequeñas y medianas empresas. Los costos asociados con la implementación, la suscripción y el mantenimiento pueden ser una barrera significativa. Además, su configuración y gestión pueden ser complejas y requerir personal especializado. Esto puede implicar una curva de aprendizaje y el posible requerimiento de soporte adicional.
The feeling of using the radware product in one word: "Confidence"
Komentarze: My company has been using Radware defense pro for many years and there has and if I want to describe the overall feeling of using radware product with only one word, it would be "Confidence".
A very understandable and simple user interface. No complexity but covers a wide range of activities
nothing particular to be mentioned. Maybe providing more specific functions, rather than very general functions, can be a way of improvment
Radware DDos, protector of exposed services
Komentarze: It has become an absolutely necessary tool to protect our systems exposed in the cloud. There are so many attacks that reach our services and that are visualized and controlled, that we are certain that we will not be able to provide services our clients without Radware DDos
It has impressive granularity to enable blocking features for different types of denial of service attacks
It can be very sensitive in the actions it takes and if it is not well configured it can affect performance
Experience with DDoS protection solution
Komentarze: It’s particularly well-suited for enterprises with complex needs and the resources to manage its advanced features. However, the complexity, cost, and potential for false positives are factors that users need to weigh against the benefits.
The interface is generally user-friendly, making it easier for administrators to navigate, configure, and manage the protection services.
Some users have noted that the implementation of DDoS protection can lead to a performance impact on legitimate traffic, especially during peak usage times.