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Czym jest Testiny?
Proste, szybkie narzędzie do zarządzania testami z zaawansowanymi funkcjami edycji, szablonami przypadków testowych, integracjami i obsługą współpracy, a wszystko to w jednym, łatwym w użyciu i przyjaznym dla użytkownika pakiecie. Zarejestruj się już teraz na bezpłatny 14-dniowy okres próbny, bez konieczności posiadania karty kredytowej.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Testiny?
Małe i średnie firmy zaangażowane w jakość i najlepsze praktyki w testowaniu.
Gdzie można używać produktu: Testiny?
Informacje o sprzedawcy
- Mategra
Wsparcie dla Testiny
angielski, niemiecki
Cena produktu: Testiny
Cena początkowa:
- Tak, ma darmową wersję próbną
- Tak, ma darmową wersję
Testiny ma wersję bezpłatną i oferuje bezpłatną wersję próbną. wersja płatna Testiny rozpoczyna się od 17,00 USD/miesiąc.
Plany cenowe skorzystaj z bezpłatnej wersji próbnejInformacje o sprzedawcy
- Mategra
Wsparcie dla Testiny
angielski, niemiecki
Filmy i zdjęcia produktu: Testiny

Funkcje produktu: Testiny
Testiny – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników
Średni wynik
Recenzje według wielkości firmy (pracownicy)
- <50
- 51-200
- 201-1 000
- >1 001
Filtruj recenzje według punktacji

Testiny's user-friendly test scenario management, streamlined features, and affordable pricing addre
* The process of managing test scenarios is remarkably user-friendly.* The tool is not overloaded with unnecessary features, unlike some of its competitors.* The product is available at a very reasonable price.
* We are missing integration to some of our tools, but that feature seems to be on the near roadmap* There’s almost no documentation available – that said, we did not need assistance so far, the app is pretty self-explaining
Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Mategra
w zeszłym roku
Hi Tobias, thank you for your review! With our latest release v1.6.0 we added a ton of new integrations to other tools. I would almost bet that the tool you want to integrate with is now also supported by Testiny :-) And we also added detailed documentation for our tool, see here: https://www.testiny.io/docs/
Testiny Review
Komentarze: * It provides a systematic process for manually testing our software, ensuring our releases have thorough test coverage. * The feature to track the progress of test runs and the individual contributions of the QA team is priceless.
* Creating new test scenarios is incredibly straightforward. * The platform provides an uncomplicated user management system and a dashboard for monitoring test run advancements. * The support and development crew are great and very efficient, offering substantial aid in setup and resolving problems and inquiries quickly.
* Quite new player in the market that is still lacking some features like milestones or certain integrations (though they are adding features very quickly) * Their API (documentation) is good, but they do not have wrappers for different programming language that you can just plug into your code base. They do have a CLI though for basic tasks (e.g. importing test cases or results)
Best test management software suite
* I just love the user friendliness of this software: creating & executing test cases is quick & easy and it’s fast as if it was running locally * Quality is high, support is responsive and the dev team really reacts to issue reports & feature requests * Prizing is affordable
* The API could be easier: it’s powerful and flexible once you get used to it, but hard to get started with, so the learning curve is steep * Right now we use it for manual testing only, would love to get automated test results in there, too
Making things easier
Manual test case management system, storing test cases, test runs and their results
Facilitating team work & team coordination when carrying out test runs
Most probably the easiest and fastest test management tool I’ve ever used (and I’ve used a ton already) Does exactly what it is supposed to do, nothing more nothing less – but what it does, is awesome Although it’s a web app, no need to refresh the page to see changes; great for collaborating within a team Reasonable pricing & great support (we got a requested feature implemented within short time)
Still a pretty young product lacking features that some of its “older” competitors provide, e.g. milesstones (we don’t need them, so not a real con for us) Migrating from our “old” test management tool needed some assistance from their team; support was great, but I still think that their importer could be improved

Testiny - THE problem-solving tool with many advantages!
The user interface is quick, responsive, and just easy to understand for everyone in our team.
We are also uploading automated test results into Testiny, which works good, but we’d love some better overview on automated tests and errors in those results.