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Prime Penguin
Czym jest Prime Penguin?
Prime Penguin upraszcza i usprawnia każdy aspekt operacji logistycznych, zapewniając więcej czasu na skupienie się na rozwoju firmy.
Dlaczego Prime Penguin:
Efektywność czasowa: Prime Penguins upraszcza i automatyzuje logistykę.
Praktyczne raporty: Dostęp do informacji opartych na danych.
Redukcja błędów: Usprawnione operacje i automatyzacja.
Skalowalność: Platforma, która rozwija się wraz z Twoją firmą.
Niezawodność: Zaufaj Prime Penguin w zakresie niezawodnego i godnego zaufania zarządzania logistyką.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Prime Penguin?
Firmy eCommerce, które wykorzystują 3PL (logistyka firm trzecich) i WMS (system zarządzania magazynem) w swojej logistyce, ale nie mają elastyczności i kontroli operacyjnej pozwalającej na swobodne skalowanie.
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Prime Penguin
Prime Penguin – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników
Prime Penguin Review
Komentarze: We are very happy to be working with prime penguin and we understand that we can be demanding sometimes with several developments running at the same time. Nevertheless, Prime Penguin always deliver what we ask for efficiently even if it at times results in issues in other parts of our set-up.
It's a very flexible company that listen to our needs and most often adapt and provides a solution that works. From Idea, presentation to implementation it all moves fairly quickly which suits our business needs.
Sometimes we are lacking visibility of our solutions/developments as well as understanding if a certain solution is the best way to move forward. Meaning that we'd appreciate more input on if a solution is good, if there are alternative solution that might be better that take into account potential future changes or issues that would impact a current development.
Highly recomented
Komentarze: Good! I believe the system covers every need.
Good Support. Easy to use and very compatible to all other platforms like the warehouses and sale channels.
Need to sync faster to the warehouse. When i sinc manually it takes 20 minutes. This can done directly imo
Great business partner!
Komentarze: A super fast team, very customer service oriented! Great partnership overall
Without PrimePenguin, our integration between Chargebee and Mainfreight would not be possible. Great and fast solutions when we need them
We can lose a lot of visibility on changes done that can be critical to our operation
Good stability
The ease of use, the good pricing, the stability.
The to many and to simple reports - I would like one report featuring all
Grate tool for logistic integration with Wix
Komentarze: Really good, helped me with almost everything I needed help with and did the job
Excellent tool for connecting 3PL warehouses and automated logistics with Wix. Really helpful support that helped me integrate the tool and always answered my questions!
A little to expensive in my opinion but it was really worth it due to the excellent support