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Czym jest Getpin?
Getpin pomaga firmom zwiększyć sprzedaż poprzez automatyzację procesów komunikacji z klientami.
Wygodne zarządzanie lokalizacjami biznesowymi offline na wielu platformach internetowych z jednego konta Getpin: umieszczaj, weryfikuj i edytuj szczegóły lokalizacji firmy w Mapach Google i innych usługach, zarządzaj opiniami i wiadomościami klientów, poprawiaj średnią ocenę lokalizacji biznesowych oraz centralnie publikuj wiadomości i oferty firmy.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Getpin?
Marki globalne i krajowe (duże przedsiębiorstwa) oraz małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa. Firmy z wieloma lokalizacjami, marketerzy wewnętrzni, agencje marketingowe, odsprzedawcy partnerscy, agencje SEO.
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Getpin – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników
Getpin for more than 300 locations
Komentarze: This is already the second project on which I cooperate with this tool. Convenient, saves a lot of time when working with a large number of locations.
Ability to edit a large number of locations in one window. Create, change, analyze whole segments of locations.
Some functionality may not work correctly, but the support service always fixes it as quickly as possible.
Feedback about the company Getpin
We started working with Getpin to clean up the locations on Google Maps: the data on existing locations was corrected, outdated and duplicate locations were removed, and new ones were added. Thanks to the relevant and comprehensive information the number of search queries and visits to our website increased by almost 2.5 times in just three months, and the number of routes laid almost 2 times (this boosted the number of visitors to bookstores.).
We are now also present on Bing Maps.
The Getpin online cabinet allows us to manage all of our bookstores' data at the same time: quickly edit data (both in bulk and individually for each), respond to all customer reviews and comments (and even partially automate this process), and add news and messages to various online services at the same time. In short, the Getpin platform is user-friendly, efficient, and modern. It saves time, increases our online presence, and ultimately boosts sales. We highly recommend Getpin!
Minor technical problems that were quickly resolved and did not interfere with work
Good solution for multi locations
Komentarze: Convenient software for being up-to-date with more then 100 location.
News posting for multilocation and customer service
Not yet detected. Had some temporary issues with creation of new location.
Experience of cooperation with Getpin
A convenient service for managing current locations and creating new ones on Google. Quickly update information in locations on Google. User-friendly interaction with comments on Google locations. Proactive support from the Getpin team.
There are occasional failures when creating new locations. But the support team helps to solve the issue quickly.
My review :)
A clear algorithm for working with the service and a convenient interface. Service speed. Fast technical support. An individual approach to each client.
Nothing. Only working with hundreds of company locations and thousands customers reviews without using the Getpin.