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Czym jest BranchTrack?
BranchTrack to potężne narzędzie autorskie zaprojektowane w celu uproszczenia i przyspieszenia tworzenia angażujących symulacji. Jego przyjazny dla użytkownika edytor nie wymaga umiejętności technicznych, umożliwiając twórcom szybkie tworzenie scenariuszy, które poprawiają naukę i krytyczne myślenie.
W pełni zgodny z głównymi narzędziami autorskimi i (LMS), BranchTrack zapewnia płynną integrację z istniejącym ekosystemem e-learningowym. Jego konstrukcja przystosowana do urządzeń mobilnych wspiera naukę w podróży, dzięki czemu uczniowie mają wygodny dostęp do treści w dowolnym miejscu i czasie.
Ponadto BranchTrack zapewnia zaawansowaną analitykę w czasie rzeczywistym, zapewniając szczegółowy wgląd, który pomaga zoptymalizować efektywność szkoleń i zaangażowanie uczestników.
To potężne narzędzie usprawnia cały proces od koncepcji do wdrożenia, znacznie skracając czas wprowadzenia produktu na rynek i podnosząc ogólne wrażenia z nauki.
Kto korzysta z produktu: BranchTrack?
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BranchTrack – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników

Scenario Magic
Komentarze: I really enjoyed using BranchTrack and now use it for all my modules.
Using BranchTrack has enabled me to create and make scenario activities that fit what I need for eLearning modules.
It took a moment to understand the program, but once I used it things became clear.
A valuable learning tool
Komentarze: BranchTrack is a great learning tool, it has a simple clean user interface so it does not have a huge learning curve like other products out there. It is already integrated into the Lectora Online authoring tool we use which saves us development time. You can create complex real world scenarios where learners actually see the results of their choices and they have the opportunity to possibly correct their mistakes along the way and learn from their errors in real time.
I like the speed and ease of development of complex scenarios.
I will be perfectly blunt, the price. We would have employed it fully much sooner had it not been cost prohibitive for us.
Easy to Use, Great for Scenarios
Komentarze: Very positive experience overall. We did wish we'd done some more testing and in-depth discovery before signing the contract and paying for the full year, but at the end of the day it was a good investment that enabled us to create better self-paced digital learning.
This makes building out interactions suited for role-plays/scenario-based learning quick and easy. Lots of options when it comes to building out the interaction. Great for orgs/L&D that have limited resources for facilitation of live/virtual role-play learning validation. Nice option for soft skills training or knowledge validation. Also a nice way to switch up the learner experience throughout a course or learning path.
Annual billing only, so it's important to thoroughly test this and other options prior to making the decision. The need for internet access can be a drawback as well for many users during development and use.
Branchtrack Review
Komentarze: It was a great experience. and will be happy to be back for some more .
Interactiveness is on of its greatest pluss points .
It can be a bit too informative at times .
Great for shot sims
Komentarze: Easy to use, high-quality results, stable from bugs
Easy to use. I can easily create engaging short sim
Unable to edit own comments in review mode. Cannot select multiple scenes to manipulate with them (e.g move the whole branch at once)
Branch Track review
Learning and training is good and best when compare to the examples
Training is quite lag in the videos. Remaining are all good
Komentarze: We have been building scenarios for years. BranchTrack allows us to script a scenario in minutes and share it with SMEs, which really helps to expedite the development process. So we can build more scenarios in less time and gain higher profit margins as a development agency. Also, developers do not need to be involved any more as BranchTrack does not require any particular development skills or knowledge of authoring tools. Overall, very positive impressions.
Browser-based, no install Online collaboration with SMEs Low learning curve No development skills required
Needs internet access No monthly plans, only annual billing
It's just OK
Komentarze: try it out!
I first heard about this from one of my buddies that owns a McDonalds because higher companies do use this! It's very nice and simple to use!
Since it is for more higher companies I didn't decide to use it just because I do have very minimal staff and I don't need that big of a scheduling program.
I love using this software for different things.
This software is very easy to use and it help me keep track of different things. I love being able to share it instantly too.