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Czym jest Templafy?
Templafy to szybko rozwijająca się firma B2B Software-as-a-Service, pomagająca ponad 3,5 milionom użytkowników. Templafy automatyzuje dokumenty, aby wyeliminować ryzyko, zwiększyć wydajność i umożliwić lepsze tworzenie dokumentów o dowolnej złożoności i skali dla ponad 800 organizacji na całym świecie. Od natychmiastowego dostępu do zgodnych z marką szablonów firmowych bezpośrednio w Microsoft 365, po zautomatyzowane kompilowanie ofert sprzedaży w Salesforce z wykorzystaniem mocy zarządzanej sztucznej inteligencji, platforma umożliwia pracownikom szybsze tworzenie dokumentów biznesowych, dzięki czemu mogą skupić się na pracy, która ma znaczenie.
Dzięki Templafy globalne firmy chronią integralność swojej marki i zwiększają produktywność dzięki centralnie zarządzanej, bezpiecznej i łatwej w użyciu platformie.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Templafy?
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Templafy – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników

Templafy: Standardize your designs easily
Komentarze: All in all, using Templafy, it is rather simple to keep a project coherent in terms of design, which is always a plus. With Templafy, the design work is greatly simplified, while brand compliance is maintained across the board. It’s easy to use and useful in that it reduces the amount of time spent on monotonous tasks.
Dynamic content adapts to the user role and settings to get the desired layout and style. Real-time brand compliance checks: It is possible to guarantee that all designs are in brand identification instantly. Studies and proposals can be made; comments and direct records can also be made on the code document.
An area of improvement could be integration with other commonly used design software and programming of easier to incorporate template generation controls. Lack of flexibility, where the company is able to design different aspects of the structure in a complicated manner.
Definitive solution for managing templates and content in the company
Komentarze: In short, Templafy is an innovative and effective solution for the management of templates and content in the company, since its focus on consistency and compliance with the brand, as well as its ability to improve efficiency in the creation of documents, have made it the best essential tool in the current business environment.
In the digital age we live in, efficiency at work is key to the success of any company. That is why tools like Templafy have become essential for the management of templates and corporate content. Templafy is a platform that allows organizations to centralize and control all their documents, ensuring consistency and brand compliance in all materials used.
Everything that this excellent tool offers us seems very good to me, there is nothing that I do not like since it offers us a Centralization of templates and corporate content, Guarantee of consistency and compliance with the brand and Facilitates collaboration between teams
Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Templafy
3 miesiące temu
Thank you so much for your thoughtful review! We're thrilled to hear that Templafy has become an essential tool for managing templates and corporate content in your company. It’s great to know that our focus on consistency, brand compliance, and team collaboration has helped streamline your workflows and enhance efficiency. Your feedback inspires us to keep improving and delivering solutions that make a meaningful difference. If you ever have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out. Thanks again for being part of our Templafy community!
If possible it is better to avoid this tool
Templafy is promising to unify templates, documents, signatures across company. It mostly does, but it has many issues.
I had so many issues with this tool that I had to manually deactivate to be even able to work. It has compatibility issues with another software. Even the basic ones like Teams to Outlook integration. From time to time Templafy has issues to even connect.

Templafy use
Komentarze: I am using for signature in Microsoft Outlook and in microsoft powerpoint as templates for slides
very easy add signature to email, you can choose from internal signature or if it is for external people, using quite nice templates
a lot of problems with compatibility Microsoft Outlook, due to templafy I can´t make the online teams meetings
Best software to manage your documents.
Komentarze: By sharing our internal documents with each other in the company, we are getting benefits.
First of all it is very easy to use. User can dynamically update and share the documents with in the organisation. It can integrate with other softwares also like Microsoft office, office 365 and many more. It is very much secure so no need to worry about the data security. It has concurrency of documents means the data is on cloud and if a document is opened by two user so it will update the content from both. Any changes to the documents and templates will get reflected.
I was not able to find any disadvantages right now but Pricing is bit high for small organisations.

User freindly and easy acces to a variety of different templates.
Komentarze: Great product! On a corporate level it improves productivity and branding and compliance alignment and for me personally it makes it easier to find the materials I need and to spend time on the things that really matter. Give it a spin! Great service and a very friendly team behind it. It's one of those tools you didn't know existed until you heard of it and then you suddenly have a hard time working without it.
Very user friendly and easily manageable within Word. Updated templates and logoes on a daily basis. Very easy corporate roll-out
Double authentication can be a bit annoying. When in a rush, it can be a bit annoying to wait for extra loading time, but not sure if it is because of Templafy of the internal software etc.

Avoid this tool if possible
Should unify templates, documents, signatures across company. Yeah it does, but...
Many issues with logging in and working with this tool. Templafy has compatibility issues with almost everything. Solidworks stopped working with Excel, Teams add-in stopped working in Outlook. There are days when Templafy is unable to connect at all. Had to manually remove this tool to be able to continue in my work...

Easy way to get companywide control of your documents
Komentarze: We mainly use it for putting together contracts with predefined phrases and we can now make sure, that wording is not changed while we also can make sure that the look'n feel follows the guidelines.
Once setup, the software is easy to use. It makes it very easy to standardize documents across the organization and to ensure, that contracts etc. are compliant to the rules and regulations set forth.
So far I have not found something that I was not able to adjust/change in the setup. A few details required me to ask for support, but otherwise very user friendly.
Helps me create documents faster and on-brand
Komentarze: With image libraries and pre-made infographics, creating documents and presentations is easy, quick and compliant.
An easy way of creating documents and presentations that are aligned across the organisation. Great to preserve brand identity. I also really like that it makes my presentations look a lot better in a very easy-to-use interface.
I cannot think of anything to disklike about the product.
A Great Enterprise Tool
Komentarze: Basically - Templafy has helped us solved what they rightfully call 'Document Anarchy' - Going from hundreds of different versions to a much more streamlined approach and process.
Templafy makes it easy to stay in control and unifying the brand across documents and presentations.
It takes a bit of time getting use to and everyone on board.
Sehr unflexibles Dokumentenmanagementsystem
Signaturerstellung, Features zur Dokumentenindividualisierung
Sehr unflexible Vorlagenerstellung in Word und PPT, schlechter Kundenservice, hohe Preise
Templafy Works really well to keep documents to standard.
Komentarze: The document template management and brand content integration ensures documents are brand compliant and looks professional all the time.
We really like the document templates and document generation features. We also linked this to our internal brand picture and template server so we can import brand compliant pictures, icons, and motives. This ensures important business documents are always brand compliant. This saves our team so much time instead of trying to always create stuff from scratch.
The solution is cloud based so this will limit the usage if a person has slow or limited connectivity.
Help me create document and manage it
Great product!! On the general , it helped us a lot in performing our functional tasks to the fullest extent .. and also the ease of finding what we are looking for .. and there are also things that we did not know existed until we found them in this wonderful product
There are no defects in this product .. but the price is a little high for some companies in the beginning of their way
Great solution for Brand Management - it solves real issues
Komentarze: If you want a solution not only compatible, but also fully integrated in Microsoft Office 365 and Office on-prem, if care about your Corporate brand, if you want to offer your colleagues to save time when producing, documents, mails and presentations and if you would like to ensure compliance across the various divisions/productbrands/departments... Then you've got to take a look at Templafy. It is very easy to manage and offer state of the art user experiences. C
User-friendliness and it saves time for the users Compliance in terms of branding, content and legal Easy to manage content Easy to distribute
The only thing that I could wish for is deep links to the content when sharing the content inside our company, but I know it's on the roadmap and released within a couple of months.
Perfect for consistent messaging
Komentarze: Templafy works particularly well in managing corporate PowerPoint and company presentations so that all are 'on brand' and the messaging is consistent. This is imperative in large organisations. Personally, I find the software and templates a little clumsy in Word.
User friendly Time-saving Convenient and integrated
Requires everyone across the organisation to use it consistently
Brilliant product
Very user friendly and easy to use even with only little introduction
No problems whatsoever with the product
Simple Streamlining brand usage in documents company wide
Easy to use cloud-side admin dashboard.
Very strong integrations to Microsoft Office and other office applicationd.
Powefull enablement of company assets and great employee productivity booster.