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TM Cloud
Czym jest TM Cloud?
Rozwiązanie do zarządzania rejestracją znaków towarowych i własnością intelektualną, które obejmuje automatyczne aktualizacje statusu USPTO (Urząd Patentów i Znaków Towarowych Stanów Zjednoczonych), dostęp globalny i pobieranie danych znaków towarowych z audytami dla ponad 175 jurysdykcji, bezpłatne wyszukiwanie znaków towarowych online w ponad 100 jurysdykcjach, połączone przechowywanie i zarządzanie dokumentami, z modułami dotyczącymi sporów, nazw domen, praw autorskich, wyszukiwań, przydziałów, e-handlu, patentów i projektów oraz zarządzania firmą. Specjalna obsługa przypadków protokołu w USA, Kanadzie, UE i Madrycie.
Kto korzysta z produktu: TM Cloud?
Kancelarie prawne i wewnętrzne działy prawne korporacji posiadające znak towarowy, patent i powiązaną praktykę dotyczącą własności intelektualnej w USA i na całym świecie
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TM Cloud
TM Cloud – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników
TM Cloud has been my go-to choice for trademark portfolio management for years. Perfect solution.
Komentarze: It keeps the trademark maintenance process efficient and time saving. The details and information are organized and easy to read. The automated docket deadlines, trademark reminder functions, and calendar integration make my job much easier and efficient.
TM Cloud is remarkably easy to use. The ability to choose individual modules which suit your business needs is efficient and cost conscience. Trademark management is detail oriented, TM Cloud makes the data management clear and concise, organized and easy to utilize. The ability to customize the aspects that I use most frequently is absolutely my favorite feature. I know what I want to see, TM Cloud allows me to see that data how I want it! Customizing gives me the control to work how I want.
Reports. Building the perfect report is always tedious and time consuming. I think that the way TMCloud structures the report creation is somewhat confusing. The drag and drop option is great. However, when adding some of the specific elements the drop down is "SUPER" full and doesn't allow you to see in full detail what each selection is. So, it's hard to match up the report result you want with the name of each option.
Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: TM Cloud
6 lat temu
Thanks for the kind words and feedback on the reporting functionalities in the system!
TM Cloud is an easy to use and informative tool.
I depend on the weekly docket report that is in my inbox every Monday morning. It allows me to plan my week and gives me a heads-up on those tasks that are coming up in the next thirty days.
This firm files many applications in jurisdictions other than the United States. If I could add a feature to TM Cloud, I would connect the system to trademark offices around the world, so that I could import the applications rather than having to add them manually.
Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: TM Cloud
6 lat temu
Thanks for the review Mary-Ann! TM Cloud is indeed connected to international trademark offices for downloading, auditing and refreshing data where available. Currently the system is integrated with 65 online trademark offices. When importing a new record (foreign or not), simply select the jurisdiction from the dropdown list and enter the application or registration number to download.
This is great software, the TMCloud team is great.
It's user friendly, I like the fields in the trademark record, I love that we can upload the record from the trademark office, like US. I like the information provided on the dashboard Dock section. I like the TM Cloud news. I like there are several fields to search from.
There are some fields that I wish we had to differentiate between MP application and country filed application. The company management feature needs to be user friendly, it has several Contact records for the same Contact, when I try to merge sometimes it works. When I use that contact on a trademark record sometimes it shows the Applicant name only. I wish the docketing had more status check or reminder dates. Some of the docketing Deadline titles don't fit my needs. The dispute record template needs fields added, more use friendly. Would like to download records from the trademark offices directly. In the download/upload feature, I want field to recognize a trademark with or without the hyphen/backslash/forward slask, like 2017/15/2563 or 2017152563. There are some countries that publish the trademark twice, once before registration for the opposition period and once after for the registration publication, but there aren't fields for both. I would like the fields to be more customized to the country.
Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: TM Cloud
6 lat temu
Thanks for the review and feedback Jennifer! Most of the deadlines/reminders and fields in the drop down lists are customizable, the support team would be happy to show you how to amend the system to ensure its perfect for your business.
Great for Trademarks
This softwares is very easy to use from pulling in information from the U.S. Patent and Trademark database to creating my own docket items. I can pull any variation of information I need into a spreadsheet and it even looks great visually. Even has a link to send you directly to the TESS database.
This was all we needed for our firm, but I guess if I wanted to store my documents I would like something a little less complex then making a document profile. If I could just link it and upload directly to a history item that would make it quicker and easier for me. Currently though, we have a different software for storing documents.
Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: TM Cloud
6 lat temu
Thanks for the kind words Sarah. We are glad you are satisfied with the software!
A great practice management program.
For us it was ease of use and features. Easily set up work flows; emails; reporting. Audit and update directly from the USPTO. A great feature is the merger function to clear out duplicate records. Most of all they listen to user experience. We were an early adopter. They have added fields for specific countries and continually improve the cross module performance. Renewals can be set up with automated emails; documents can be added almost anywhere; licenses are soon to be in a separate module;
There is limited financial reporting and integration but no one seems to do that well. Some odd placing of menu items. Limited patent functionality.
Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: TM Cloud
6 lat temu
Thanks for the great review John!