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Czym jest GoodDay?
GoodDay to platforma do zarządzania pracą, projektem, produktem, zadaniem, czasem i zespołem, która zapewnia organizacjom najlepsze narzędzia do planowania na wysokim poziomie, dostosowane do ich codziennej pracy oraz do ciągłego doskonalenia wszystkich procesów w oparciu o przejrzystość, odpowiedzialność, sprawność i uznanie.
Kto korzysta z produktu: GoodDay?
Edycje GoodDay obsługują startupy, firmy średniej wielkości i przedsiębiorstwa w każdej branży poszukujące zaawansowanej platformy produktywności, którą można łatwo wdrożyć i wprowadzić w różnych działach.
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GoodDay – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników
Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne:
Best Project management software for mid-small size company.
Komentarze: After evaluating more than 12 project management tools we finally settled for GoodDay as it was the best from easy to use, easy to customize views based on individual's need. Also, for small company pricing is also important and we found that GoodDay pricing is very competitive.
Best thing is it provides different type of views for the same project information and it helps a lot in viewing project from different perspective. Goodday is designed by keeping very small but essential features in mind and that makes it very easy to use product. Very fast loading of tasks data, various type of reports are awesome. Task planning by manager on behalf of your team mates is superb feature. Many more excellent things are there compare to other project management tool.
Initially we tried free version and there are many paid features but unfortunately in order to try those paid features they don't have any trial period. It compulsory requires purchase of subscription to even see how are those features.
One of the best project management tools our there
Komentarze: The overall experience with GoodDay has been most pleasant and it has had a lasting effect on the incrreased efficiency when running and tracking projects of many types. Mos of the projects are related to service or business development.
GoodDay is very easy to use despite a sheer amount of functionality, tools and cutomization options. Many of our teams and departments have had great success in implementing GoodDay in their everyday work and processes. Sharing tasks, information, files and keeping eye on resource usage, including work time, is very simple, yet powerful enough for any project management flow.
This is a hard one, so far no major blockers or issues have arisen. The constant, high quality flow of product updates and new features makes it very difficult to want to move away from it.
Basic project management which is actually easy to use
Komentarze: Very good for our internal teams to track projects.
Very easy to setup and use PMS. had reviewed tons of them. Best part was the free trial was limited by a larger number of free users (25). This allowed everyone to try out the software. UI was a bit of a problem initially but then got used to it. Can be improved in this area. Best part is it is easy to correct mistakes and Excel import is easy and supported out of the box
Reports are too limited and can definitely be improved. Currently there are some reports which are not self-explanatory and the derivation is not given.
Perfect tool without customer support
Great tool which can easily beat other competitors. Very fast and well developed.
Unfortunatelly it is not very well known because there is no marketing, communication towards customers and customer support is non existent.
Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne:
Best Overall Choice
Komentarze: We strived to find the best solution amongst many other (ofter well-known) products and were surprised with the features and ease of use of GoodDay. We are using it daily as a team and are very satisfied.
- Ease of use - Pricing suitable for small-midsize businnesses - Customizable - Time Tracking - Can easily switch views from Gantt to Board or WorkLoad etc...
- Basic search function not very powerful (advanced search works great though) - Cannot send reports by email (Executive Reports or Any) --> There are Reports but all online. And there might be a way to do it, never asked for it.