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Czym jest QuickReviewer?
QuickReviewer to oprogramowanie do proofingu online przeznaczone dla zespołów, które chcą przyspieszyć proces zatwierdzania projektów dzięki szybkim informacjom zwrotnym i zatwierdzaniu. Można przeglądać filmy wideo, witryny internetowe, pliki PDF, obrazy i pliki audio.
Organizuj informacje zwrotne dotyczące projektów twórczych bez konieczności wymiany wielu wiadomości e-mail lub plików. Zamiast tego przeciągnij i upuść, aby przesłać pliki i udostępnić je dowolnej liczbie recenzentów. Porównywanie wersji obok siebie, podgląd łączy internetowych na żywo na ekranach o różnych rozmiarach i wiele więcej.
Kto korzysta z produktu: QuickReviewer?
QuickReviewer jest przeznaczony dla agencji marketingowych, firm zajmujących się tworzeniem stron internetowych oraz innych marek, które chcą usprawnić proces weryfikacji i zatwierdzania projektów, czyli proces proofingu projektów.
Nie jesteś pewien, czy QuickReviewer to dobre rozwiązanie?
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QuickReviewer – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników

Proofing for multiple clients
Komentarze: Speak with your clients on how this will make things easier for everyone so they adopt the tool because it really helps.
I manage a creative team. A lot of files are sent to me for review, so I need to quickly manage and view all the proofs, identify the status of each file and follow up on files that have not been acted on. QuickReviewer gives me a clean view on each of these aspects which makes life way easier.
Comment responses should be sent to reviewers without having to @ mention them.

Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne:
Easy to use, flexible with amazing support
Komentarze: Our review process, getting feedback, tracking versions... its all become easier instead of using email and Google Drive. We were up and running within a day. The full team took literally 2 hours to understand the complete software.
Firstly the support team is amazing. As a software its very easy to get set up and use. Workspaces makes it great for the complete design team to collaborate.
Integration of Adobe CC is missing in the power plan, but is in the roadmap
Needs work on document types, technical help, speed, clarity of what is happening to the document.
Komentarze: frustrating waiting for documents that have been added to be available within a reasonable time for review, now it takes until the next day before they are available.
It can review documents and images and websites and video.
poor clarity in how website links are used and employment of plug-ins, crashes when trying to load in video, only takes .pdf documents, only provides one method of commenting on documents and the icon is so small it is barely visible, comments in the column are barely visible due to contrast and brightness, other annotations are not featured out enough (lines, boxes, arrows), they are too small.

Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne:
The best proofing system i came across. it's just super easy
Awesome !. I am using this tool as a DAM (Digital asset management) tool and have to work with numerous vendors and numerous formats. The proofing is just super easy.
Oh yeah ! and integration with adobe apps, dropbox just icing on the cake.
In digital marketing we constantly work with vendors and QuickReviewer has been a blessing. I was looking for a tool and found this one. Logged in with just 1 click using my gmail. Super easy to use with the Google drive style interface. Now i just use this tool for the proofing the files. I can send links easily , review versions and much more. The tools just helps me get my work done super fast. i started using the tool for free and then upgraded as the demand increased.
Need to work on visibility. had a hard time looking for it.

Great tool for Review and Proofing docs
The interface is just supereasy to use and the Our vendors can even access it on their smartphones.
nothing as such. we have been using it for some time now and works great .
Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne:
Found this when searching for alternative for Dropbox PDF reviews
Komentarze: Quick, nice and I'll be probably comming more often.
- Speed - Ease of use and quick understanding of anyone who switched from Dropbox - Dark mode - The developers seem to really care about the product
- Inability to see all the historical comments, once a new version of document is uploaded. That's what I miss most. But I have been on back-and-forth communication about this possibility with the dev team.

Overall best tool for marketing teams
No other tool is as good as QuickReviewer when it comes to marketing collateral and design documents
doesn't give you enough storage for documents in the free version

If you do a lot of proofing and have multiple approval cycles, QuickReviewer is the way to go!
QuickReviewer stays true to its name and lets our clients and team review quickly and easily. We use a production workflow where our design heads must proof and approve each bit that goes out to a client for review. The same cycle continues when we're going live, with new versions being uploaded hourly!
Some of our clients prefer to use an app instead of a web browser. However, with the number of options that QuickReviewer offers, it is not a dealbreaker.

Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne:
QuickReviewer is an excellent tool to bring your creative team together and get design evaluations.
Komentarze: QuickReviewer has made the full review process way easier to track. It has brought our design on a single platform to add and see feedback.
The QuickReviewer user interface is one of my favorites. Setting up a proof and sharing it for review is simple. The proofing interface is also one of my favorites. Comments are simple to add and intuitive.
The status should be linked to a workflow. It should be like setting up a new stage based on which I can trigger an action so that the next user is automatically notified of the task they have been assigned.

"Excellent online proofing!"
QuickReviewer is really simple to use and distribute with individuals who need to evaluate our pdfs. Easy comments and responses without sending multiple emails. I appreciate that they can mark up and rotate the pdf proof in QuickReviewer (which for us was a big feature), and the comments rotate with the proof.
I haven't found a means to save old pdfs so that we can refer to them. An archiving option would be good to have.
Wonderful Online Software to Review your Videos before they Go Live with TimeStamp Comments!
Komentarze: Love to use it! Would recommend to any Content Creator who has hired Editors and is close to exploding in popularity.
- You can easily leave timestamps and even free draw on the video or use arrows to help explain where on the screen you would like something. - You can @ping/tag other users within a timestamped comment. - I love that I can send files to get timestamp comments from people OUTSIDE of my business, like so that a sponsor can review a video before it is published. And they do not even need an account to leave comments. - You can Mark a video as: Uploaded, In Review, Approved, Pending, or Rejected.
- They had a poor history, but now that they moved over to AWS, I have not had any issues! In fact they even ask for my opinion sometimes on how to improve their product! - It is expensive, but wall cheaper than their competitors. In fact, they let you pay and add unlimited people upload to your Team folder, competitors make you pay PER team member.

Excellent online proofing for all assets
Komentarze: We were figuring out how to communicate better across multiple teams, from designers to project management to quality assurance and marketing. We’ve reduced the number of emails that are sent and received, and we don't get lost in email interpretation anymore. We know exactly where a change is required. All of the commenting tools are fantastic. I also like the pdf export with comments options.
I like the user interface because it's simple to use and share with coworkers, especially those who aren't as tech savvy. They can comment and respond to one other without having to send multiple emails. I really enjoy the feature of downloading comments. We need to keep track of everything we do, so we chose QuickReviewer.
There is nothing I dislike so far, it's such a great product. You could add a feature for choosing who to send reminders to.
Saves a Lot a time with the reviewing and approval process
I had started my own business and handeling all the marketing material review took up most of my time. I came to know about quickreviewer through an online ad. Tried it. Super easy to use. I have since been using this software for handeling all the work that i get done with the freelancer graphic designers and with some of the companies as well. The best thing is that I can also check the updates on my phone through the links and login on though the browser. This software has helped me streamline the process of review and approval and helped make the most of the time i have and which i now use in improving the effieciency and quality of my services rather than chasing long list of emails.
Use it for review and approval of the marketing material and other designing work which I am outsourcing for my business.
A must have for graphic designers...
Komentarze: I needed a smooth and reliable way to engage my client(s) and get their edit requests in a more collaborative way with their other approvers, which in turn allows me to gain faster approvals. QuickReviewer has brought that ability to my most important projects and clients and it has sped up the production of several jobs in just the couple of months I've been using it.
I really like it’s clean interface and simplicity of getting markups and approvals from clients.
It needs some minor refinements to make it more user friendly from the client on-boarding perspective.
The best solution for proofing content
The ability to virtually pass around a document for reviews with easy tools for comments is perfected by QuickReviewer.
The only thing I wish was a feature was for the bounding box of the comment to be highlighted when you either click/hover over a comment so you can see exactly what it's referring too (not just the page)
Great tool for collaborative reviews!
Komentarze: So far it has been a really easy-to-use product that hasn't taken a lot of training for me and my co-workers. It's definitely made reviewing documents much easier because of the collaborative feature.
My team and I really enjoy the collaborative feature of this product. It's great to be able to leave comments and have quick interaction and reviewing of our papers. The tracking and reviewing features makes keep track of changes so much better. It's so hard to keep track of all the changes reviewers make on documents and I've had times where I might miss a necessary change because there's a lot of documents to sort through. This is not the case with this product because you have all reviews and change requests in a single file or location. It's really great for when you need reviews from a small team.
The one con I would say is that the file size could be expanded further for bigger uploads. Often times when working with manuscripts, the file size can be pretty large. To benefit from the reviewing features of this product, being able to upload without barriers would be great.
Almost there!
1. Your customer service is amazing! Speedy and thorough 2. On of our designers has used it and loves it! 3. The video that I can share with clients to teach them how to use it.
1. In Proof HQ, they number the comments, not count them, but number them. It helps when you're on a call with a client and can say "look at edit #45" 2. Websites are still buggy. A. The plugin doesn't work with Elementor B. The scaling option is cool, but you can't see the whole site at the largest size, it requires a horizontal scroll C. When I click on a comment to see where the pin drop is, the pin drops are jumpy and I can't always see exactly where they're meant to be bc they move around.
Our team loves QuickReviewer
Komentarze: We used other reviewers that worked fine but the price was steep. This does what we need without going overboard. IT is easier to organize than other systems too.
The software works great and new features are being added regularly. The team really listens to your suggestions. They have actually implemented some of my requests
The play bar is very small. which makes it difficult to scrub through a video.
Time Saver! A Must for Creative Services
I really love that we can set restrictions for team members by creating workspaces.
The video review part is the best and i will continue to use it.
I really love the video editing feature of QuickReviewer! It makes it easier to communicate and get the revisions done for clients.
1. I don't like that I can not review my videos directly from Google Drive. 2. I wish there was a way to disable download until it is approved by both parties. That way they won't be able to download if there is a pending invoice. 3. If there was an option to leave voice memos also on the video timestamps that would help out a lot. 4. If there was a way to draw and add shapes to make commenting a bit easier. 5. Not being able to link it to FCPX 6. Being able to place Watermark if downloaded before it is approved by both parties
1:1 Square Format Needed
Komentarze: Good
Ease of use, cost, avalible to edit without signing in
It really needs to be able to accept 1:1 square format so my clients can review square format videos. Everytime I have a client that uses 1:1 formats, I have to use Vimeo editor so they can review it!
The Possibilities Are Great
Komentarze: This has been one of the cleanest project review software I've worked with and look forward to seeing the innovations to come!
What I like most includes: • The ease to upload images to share with clients for review, • The ability for clients to comment directly on their projects, • Ability to Approve or Reject projects.
What could be improved includes: • Easier way to share project folders with clients, so they don't have to "sign-in", • Better way to respond while not logging on.
Great tool for online reviewing of creatives
Komentarze: I was facing the problem of reviewing & approving of the Creatives for ads with my Marketing team. Quickreviewer has solved this problem by realtime sharing & reviewing of the creatives with my team.
Its ease of use. Real time commenting & feedback on any changes in Images as well as Videos. Workspace Feature for Collaborating with Team members or your Marketing team is quite handy. Mails are automatically send to the other members whenever any changes or comments are made on the creatives.
Should have integration with youtube also. Otherwise its quite a good tool.
Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne:
Really handy for design collaboration
Komentarze: It's a very straight-forward tool that doesn't require training and product-walkthroughs.
Video and live website really is great! Also we exchange .PSD very often between marketing and design teams - so now marketing don't need to have Photoshop to view and review the file. Overall, it's a cost-saver and very handy. Saves us from a lot of WhatsApp back and forth with client.
Opening each files takes to a new browser tab, it would be great if the tabs can be created within the web app to avoid too many tabs.

Convenient tool for creatives to keep their content organized.
The user interface of QuickReviewer was convenient as provided ease of access. QuickReviewer offers aa reasonable amount of storage to save content. Additionally, the price was reasonable as opposed to competitors and all required customer support was available.
The unavailabilty of an application that can be installed.
Quick Review of QuickReviewer
Komentarze: So far so awesome!
It is free for people like me who need to keep my overheads down, work remotely to my clientele, and need to provide a professional and easy interface for the clients to give logical feedback in a timely and easy way.
I would just like to see toggle arrows on the view screen so that clients can easily get to the next design to review without having to go back to the thumbnail screen and click ... that would make the UX virtually seemless.