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Czym jest Red Points?

Red Points to pierwsza na świecie platforma analizy marki. Łącząc funkcje ochrony marki w trybie online, egzekwowania praw autorskich i monitorowania dystrybutorów, Red Points zapewnia pełny wgląd w obecność marek w Internecie. Ponad 1000 marek polega na Red Points w walce z fałszami, piractwem i nadużyciami w dystrybucji w trybie online, umożliwiając im zachowanie kontroli, poprawę wartości marki i zwiększenie przychodów.

Kto korzysta z produktu: Red Points?

Dzięki ponad 270 profesjonalistom i biurom w Nowym Jorku, Barcelonie, Pekinie i Salt Lake City, Red Points zrewolucjonizowała branżę. Obsługujemy globalne marki i mniejszych innowatorów w różnych sektorach

Gdzie można używać produktu: Red Points?

Na chmurze

Informacje o sprzedawcy

  • Red Points Solutions
  • W miejscowości: Manhattan, USA
  • Założona w 2012

Wsparcie dla Red Points

  • Telefoniczna obsługa klienta

Dostępne kraje

Albania, Andora, Anguilla, Antigua i Barbuda, Arabia Saudyjska i inne: 149


angielski, francuski, hiszpański, kataloński, niemiecki i inne: 3

Cena produktu: Red Points

Cena początkowa:

Dostawca nie oferuje tej opcji/usługi
  • Tak, ma darmową wersję próbną
  • Brak bezpłatnej wersji

Red Points nie ma wersji bezpłatnej, ale oferuje bezpłatną wersję próbną.

Plany cenowe

Informacje o sprzedawcy

  • Red Points Solutions
  • W miejscowości: Manhattan, USA
  • Założona w 2012

Wsparcie dla Red Points

  • Telefoniczna obsługa klienta

Dostępne kraje

Albania, Andora, Anguilla, Antigua i Barbuda, Arabia Saudyjska i inne: 149


angielski, francuski, hiszpański, kataloński, niemiecki i inne: 3

Filmy i zdjęcia produktu: Red Points

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Oprogramowanie: Red Points - 2
Oprogramowanie: Red Points - 3
Oprogramowanie: Red Points - 4
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Film na temat produktu: Red Points
Oprogramowanie: Red Points - 1
Oprogramowanie: Red Points - 2
Oprogramowanie: Red Points - 3
Oprogramowanie: Red Points - 4

Funkcje produktu: Red Points

  • Cofanie dostępu
  • Kontrola dostępu/zezwolenia
  • Monitorowanie domen
  • Monitorowanie mediów społecznościowych
  • Monitorowanie rynku
  • Monitorowanie wyszukiwań płatnych
  • Ochrona aplikacji oprogramowania
  • Ochrona audio/wideo
  • Ochrona obrazu
  • Raportowanie/analityka
  • Zarządzanie dystrybucją cyfrową
  • Zarządzanie portfelem IP
  • Znakowanie wodne
  • Śledzenie patentów
  • Śledzenie znaków towarowych

Rozwiązania alternatywne dla produktu: Red Points

Oprogramowanie do zarządzania cyklem życia zasobów stworzone z myślą o potrzebach związanych ze śledzeniem zasobów. Amortyzacja, kodowanie kodów kreskowych i nie tylko. Wypróbuj za darmo.
Online ITSM Service Desk z zarządzaniem incydentami, problemami, zmianami, wydaniami i aktywami, a także z potężną automatyzacją zgłoszeń
AssetSonar pomaga w organizacji, śledzeniu i raportowaniu krajobrazu technologicznego od zaopatrzenia do zakończenia – wszystko w jednym miejscu.
Jira Service Management to oprogramowanie ITSM, które umożliwia zespołom pracującym z dużą prędkością szybkie i sprawne świadczenie usług.
Bynder to oparte na chmurze rozwiązanie dla specjalistów od marketingu, którzy chcą uprościć sposób zarządzania treściami cyfrowymi za pomocą jednego centralnego portalu.
Rozwiązanie VDR i zarządzania dokumentami firmy CapLinkeds to najlepszy sposób na bezpieczne udostępnianie i śledzenie wszystkich informacji.
Scanmarket dostarcza rozwiązania programowe, które powstają w oparciu o potrzeby specjalistów ds. zaopatrzenia i prawa i są stworzone z myślą o użytkowaniu.
Rozwiązanie do zarządzania zasobami cyfrowymi, które pomaga firmom przyspieszyć współpracę wewnątrz i na zewnątrz organizacji.

Red Points – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników

Średni wynik

Informacje ogólne
Łatwość użytkowania
Obsługa klienta
Warte swojej ceny

Recenzje według wielkości firmy (pracownicy)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Filtruj recenzje według punktacji

eCommerce Specialist w kraju: USA
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Dobra konsumpcyjne, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

RedPoints Review

4,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: RedPoints has been vital to the removal of counterfeit and inauthentic versions of an infant teether toy that we produce, along with several variants of trademark infringement. We have pulled nearly 2,000 individual product listings thanks to RedPoints.


We enjoyed the streamlined interface/UI, responsive team that we can e-mail and get replies from quickly, and a generally quick and painless removal process of infringing content/listings.


There is a lack of transparency on when/why listings are not removed from online marketplaces. The bots that pull in infringing listings often pull in your own brand's content, so manual monitoring is a must. Listings can also come back online, which I have been told that RedPoints is working on a way to find and monitor this. Until then, if a listing comes back online, it is up to us to find and report it manually.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Hi, Jeffrey Thank you very much for your comment. We are really happy having The Manhattan Toy Company as a client. We've taken your feedback on board, and we will be investigating the issues you have been encountering. We continually improve our technology to effectively automate the process of detection and enforcement of online IP infringements. Thank you so much, Red Points team

Founder & CEO w kraju: USA
Sprzedaż hurtowa, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

Red Points Helped Us Remove 3,000 Counterfeits

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: Since starting with Red Points about a year and half ago, we have removed over 3,000 fake listings of Mighty Mug. The swift removal of these knockoffs allows us to protect our brand, our sales margins and ensures that customers buying Mighty Mug are getting an authentic product, backed by our warranty.


The best thing about Red Points is that it is constantly searching the major e-commerce marketplace looking for counterfeit or knockoff items. Once Red Points locates one of these listings, it is incredibly easy, literally the click of your mouse to have the item removed from eBay, Alibaba, Wish, Amazon or any of the other major marketplaces around the world. We spend 5-15 minutes per day on Red Points and it has been a game-changer for us. We no longer have to choose between growing our business and combatting knockoffs, we can do both.


We love Red Points and do not have any complaints about the system.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Hi, Jayme! Thank you so much for your review! We love having you as a client, and we hope to continue protecting your innovative brand for many more years. Have a nice day, Red Points Team.

Associate w kraju: Wlk. Bryt.
Sprzedaż hurtowa, Samozatrudnienie
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: Bezpłatna wersja próbna
Źródło recenzenta

Needs better

1,0 w zeszłym roku


None until the issues are fixed properly


The bot program flagged genuine listings!!

Brand & Channel Protection Manager w kraju: Włochy
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Motoryzacja, Pracownicy: 10 000+
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Protect your company NOW

4,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: When we moved into RED POINTS, we were trying to fight against thousand of re-sellers in a really manual and prosaic way. We doubled our HR resources, and even within this, results did not come. Since we moved into RED POINTS, we have been able to remove >120 MM EUR in parts value from internet from non-authorized sellers, cleaning the market and protecting our dealers and end-customers


Easy to use, to look-up for any past case to follow-up. Monthly customized reports and possibility to support on any specific need or case.


To focus on the offline side, as it's key also on a business strategy and it open the door towards competition.

General Manager w kraju: Nowa Zelandia
Projektowanie, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

fantastic option for fighting copies of products!

5,0 5 lat temu

Komentarze: Not only does it give us the confidence that copies of our products are being found and dealt with worldwide, but it has also enhanced our relationships with our distributors offshore. They can see we are doing our best to fight this problem for them in their territories.


Red Points online dashboard is very simple to use and has strong back-end reporting. It is a very quick process to check daily and approve or remove potential copies of our products that they find. The customer service team is excellent even though they are in Europe and we are in New Zealand - has never been a problem for us. It has definitely helped us in our fight against copies worldwide and is great value for money....FAR cheaper than a lawyer!


Nothing - it is a fantastic product and service.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Hi, Josh Thank you so much for your review! We love having you as a client, and we hope to continue protecting your innovative brand for many more years. Have a nice day, Red Points Team.

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Marketing i reklama, Pracownicy: 51–200
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

Buyer Beware the Time Investment Required

4,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: A Brand Protection Software that is Only as Useful as You Make it - if you have time to dedicate to making sure their algorithm is working, it will pay off. This is not set-and-forget


The service/software can be effective - we definitely saw takedowns that could have been damaging to our e-commerce business if the users were allowed to continue selling their products.


As with any algorithmic tool, it only gets better with input. If you don't have an employee to monitor and give near-constant feedback on the results, the investment (potentially thousands a month) is wasted. We ended up with e-mails from multiple businesses stating that Red Points had been in touch about a violation of our trademarks/patents and the products targeted had nothing to do with our marks and registrations. To be fair, we used a set-it-and-forget it approach to this tool when we should have been a great deal more active with it.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Thank you very much for your comment. We are really sorry to hear that you did not get to fully leverage our technology to automate the process of detection and enforcement of online IP infringements. Our team works closely with all our clients on a case by case basis to define the adequate scope of protection needed and we would love to connect with you to discuss your feedback in more detail. You can contact us at [email protected] Red Points team

China & North America Sales Manager w kraju: Francja
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Wyroby luksusowe i biżuteria, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

How to strongly increase your efficiency in fighting counterfeits

5,0 4 lata temu

Komentarze: Really positive, we are achieving exactly what we were aiming at, and even more.


- The clarity of the platform - The efficiency of the AI - The availibility of the Account Manager


The lack of info when links are denied ; you need to ask your account manager why, which is not possible for all of them when dealing with thousands of links.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

4 lata temu

Hi, Arnaud Thank you so much for your review! We love protecting your beautiful products, and helping your brand achieve the goals you have established. Thank you, Red Points' team.

Managing Director w kraju: Wlk. Bryt.
Sprzedaż detaliczna, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Every Brand Needs Redpoints

5,0 5 lat temu

Komentarze: It's not just stopping counterfeit sales that matters. If somebody is using a poor quality fake garment in public, that projects a bad image towards would be customers thus damaging the brand deeply.


We have been using Redpoints for many years and from the very first day I have been amazed at just how efficient the team are at removing counterfeit posts on platforms we didn't know existed. As a brand owner it is imperative that I protect my brand along with any copyright designs to not only prevent improper sales but to protect brand integrity as I do not want sub standard products bearing my brands name entering the market as it can put others off buying the brand. Redpoints helps take care of all of this.


There is nothing to dislike about Redpoints. The system is slick, the staff very polite and professional and the counterfeit problem is dealt with in the most pain free fashion for us.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Hi, Lee Thank you so much for your feedback! We are glad to hear that you are happy with our services. We very much love having you as a client, and knocking off fake Tatami Fightwear from the internet! Red Points' team.

Sustainability Manager w kraju: Holandia
Dobra konsumpcyjne, Pracownicy: 51–200
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

Global reach and time saving!

4,0 5 lat temu

Komentarze: For us the reason to use an online platform was to have better insight in the global infringement problem, to have one place where all online infringements are tackled. Redpoints has stood up to that challenge, also they have an excellent customer success team with quick reply to questions and open to discuss new options or further tweak our joint IP efforts.


It is easy to use and is a life saver in terms of time and money. It makes the enormous amount of global online infringements manageable and yearly progress is visible with a few clicks. We include about five different designs and two brand names in the platform, Information is gathered per asset, so progress and success rate can be viewed for specific items.


I am missing a management report: to easily select information from the platform, which is then combined into a PDF for internal reporting.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Thank you so much for your comment, Joy. We very like having you as one of our clients. We've taken your feedback on board, and we will be investigating the options of providing a management report. Thank you so much, Red Points team

Marketing Officer w kraju: Wlk. Bryt.
Dobra konsumpcyjne, Pracownicy: 501–1 000
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Highly polished and effective software with great customer support

5,0 5 lat temu

Komentarze: We found a great deal of success with the software so it certainly does what it claims to however the customer support is also fantastic and really helps us to get the very most out of RedPoints


The UI is well laid out and easy to navigate. All the main functions you will use most often are convenient and simple to operate. You can easily work through a large number of items and generate analytics whenever you need. The software algorithms work well after a short learning period and continue to crawl the net looking for new matches.


Generating excel files with metrics of my choosing could be easier however this feature sees improvement in updates

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Hi, Joe Thank you so much for your feedback! We are glad to hear that you are happy with our services. We very much love having you as a client, and knocking off fake Penn Elcom products from the internet! Red Points' team.

IPR Coordinator w kraju: Finlandia
Meblarstwo, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

Efficient removal of infringing listings

5,0 5 lat temu

Komentarze: In the past it was a days work to gather infringing listings and reporting them trought different portals. Now it is centralized and takes minutes to confirm infringements and leave the rest of the work to Red Points. The overall amount of infringements have declined as the listings are removed before retailers in key markets have a chance to purchase the products.


Easy to use for its main purpose; monitoring and removing infringing listings on global platforms. Red Points efficiently scans these platforms and quickly has infringing listings removed. They are constantly developing their service and looking for new ways to improve. The customer service is also great.


Some of the more advanced tools are not very intuitive and can be difficult to use. All the information is available, and if I have problems I can always ask for help.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Hi, Tobias Thank you so much for your feedback. We love having you as a client, and we hope to continue protecting Secto Design for many more years! Red Points' team

Director of Compliance w kraju: USA
Sprzedaż detaliczna, Pracownicy: 51–200
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

Great product that has helped save millions in lost revenue

5,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: Was easy to implement, easy to use and support is amazing. This has been a huge benefit to our company and I have recommended to several others in my industry.


Ease of use, the dashboard and customer service. The end result and economic impact is a massive bonus.


I have zero complaints. I have had it be down a couple times so If I had to complain about something, it would be that. But it's back up and running quickly.

Operations Specialist w kraju: Rumunia
Zdrowie, wellness i fitness, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Excelent service

5,0 4 lata temu

Komentarze: They offer excellent service for Copyright and Brand name protection.


Lots of nice features, great customer support and a great collaboration with the account manager. Top quality service overall!!. e


No Cons yet. We did not experienced any dissatisfaction.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

4 lata temu

Hi, Ionut Thank you so much for your review! We love having you as a client, and we hope to continue protecting your products. Have a nice day, Red Points Team.

Manager w kraju: USA
Sprzęt sportowy, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

IP Protection

5,0 4 lata temu

Komentarze: Excellent overall experience for they have assisted our company in protecting our IP for massage foam rollers.


Ease of use is the best aspect of Redpoint's software.


Overall no complaints. We have see Redpoint's have a significant impact on infringing rollers being taken offline due to their technology.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

4 lata temu

Hi, Kipp Thank you so much for your review! We love having you as a client. Cheers for many more years together! Have a nice day, Red Points Team.

General Counsel w kraju: USA
Kosmetyki, Pracownicy: 201–500
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Intuitive and Efficient counterfeit removal tool

5,0 5 lat temu

Komentarze: Excellent!


The intuitiveness of the software. It is easy to use and I can easily describe what is needed to colleagues that assist in its implementation.


Nothing in particular; perhaps the difficulty with removal of utility infringers.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Thank you so much for your feedback, Evan! We love having Foreo as a client, and we hope to continue protecting your innovative brand for many more years. Have a nice day, Red Points Team.

Director of Marketing w kraju: USA
Dobra konsumpcyjne, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

Red Points

4,0 4 lata temu

Komentarze: For the most part, I would say it is good, but they have work to do to improve the service.


I like that Red Points is constantly crawling for counterfeits and knock offs, I could never find what they find in a timely manner.


I think the reporting is under developed, and the clarity of the detection resolution is difficult to find.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

4 lata temu

Hi, Lisa Thank you for your review. We like to protect your products online, and make your life easier! We will make sure to share your feedback with the team, and improve the service. Thank you,

IP Counsel w kraju: Wlk. Bryt.
Dobra konsumpcyjne, Pracownicy: 201–500
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Great Brand protection suite

4,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: Satisfactory and competent


Ease of use and functionality. Great customer support


Listings can be alternately shaded white and grey for ease of locating items

Legal specialist w kraju: Dania
Wyroby luksusowe i biżuteria, Pracownicy: 51–200
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Easy and efficient

4,0 5 lat temu


It is very user-friendly and easy to use. In addition, its not very time-consuming and it allows you to react quickly in case of some one is selling counterfeits, abusing your brand or using your copyright protected materials. So it makes it easier to protect your brand and consumers in a time-efficient manner.


The search results sometimes include secondhand sales of genuine products, which is very important for us not to "disturb".

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

5 lat temu

Hi, Louise Thank you very much for your comment. We are very happy having Ganni as a client. We've taken your feedback on board, and we will be investigating this issue with the team. Thank you so much, Red Points team

Marketing manager w kraju: Francja
Projektowanie, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

User Friendly

5,0 4 lata temu


The software is one of the easiest to use. Very minimalist, but with all features available. And the Redpoint team is very helpful, very available, and very nice.


There is no reason to unlike this software, except the efficiency that generate a daily/weekly follow up, but it is also why we apply for.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: Red Points Solutions

4 lata temu

Hi, Pierre-Alexandre Thank you so much for your review! We love having you as a client, and we hope to continue protecting your products for many more years! Have a nice day, Red Points Team.

CEO w kraju: USA
Elektronika użytkowa, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: SoftwareAdvice


1,0 3 lata temu

Komentarze: AWFUL. Hated every painful day of it. I've written at least 5 emails to cancel my service and each time they reply that I'm in a contract and they don't cancel me.


None! They stopped talking to me as soon as I stated that I was upset. I never heard from my sales guy again. I got moved to the manager and they disappeared. They like to still send me bills though. Useless and awful service. Don't sign up!!!!!!!!! They take your money and give you a crappy product. I would give negative 10 stars if I could.


They are not responsive. They know I am an upset customer yet they just stopped communicating with me, yet they still send the bill. Awful service. You're trapped in a contract and they just forget about you. Useless service. I have better luck searching for things myself than they can find me. Don't waste your time or money