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Czym jest Apostle?
Skuteczna platforma sprzedaży dzięki wykorzystaniu mediów społecznościowych. Apostle motywuje pracowników do tworzenia i udostępniania autentycznych treści w mediach społecznościowych, żeby zwiększyć sprzedaż online firmy. Zarządzanie wszystkimi kanałami mediów społecznościowych firmy i sprzedawcami przy użyciu jednej, łatwej w obsłudze platformy. Ponad 1000 firm z sektora MŚP i przedsiębiorstw używa Apostle do zwiększenia zasięgu swojej marki, generowania leadów i zwiększania sprzedaży online. Zarezerwuj wersję demo, wypróbuj platformę za darmo i rozwijaj swoją firmę.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Apostle?
Platforma obdarzona zaufaniem ponad 1000 firm z sektora MŚP i przedsiębiorstw. Celem Apostle jest optymalizacja strategii sprzedaży i rekrutacji z wykorzystaniem mediów społecznościowych poprzez poprawę widoczności online i aktywizację ambasadorów marki. Wszystko to dzięki wykorzystaniu prostych rozwiązań.
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Apostle – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników

Accessible, realible and easy!
Komentarze: I like Apostle, they are friendly, professional and they really do listen. The software is great, easy and had an positive effect on our social media platforms.
Everybody can use Apostle. You don't have to be an online-marketing expert or IT expert. This goes for the management role and the user rol. You can post, share and edit posts in a matter of second. Another great option is the option to select groups per post. This makes every post relevant for every group.
That you can't select your own relevant hours/days for a post/message. But I know they are working on that feature. Another postive aspect, they really do listen to customers.
Apostlen is the new verb within our company
Komentarze: I used Apostle by the company I worked before Schouten Zekerheid. And when I was on board by SZ I heard that they had a Whatsapp group in which they put a message with the order to like it on LinkedIn. We all now the algorithm is changed their to the reach of their messages where very low. So I introduced Apostle and from the beginning it was a great succes. A lot of co-workers are asking for more messages, and a few sent in new messages for us. That's fase 2 of the project. But Apostle works great.
It is so easy to use. We make a lot of different messages and we propose them to our co-workers and with one click on the button in the app they have the message on their personal timeline.
We can only use one photo in our messages. So sometimes that's too few. And when you put a hyperlink in to the message you will have to close that with a point. Sometimes we have a message with a lot of hyperlinks and you will see the points in the messages. We don't like that, but oke it's a small thing.
Shimano France
Komentarze: Quite a nice product but need improvement, [SENSITIVE CONTENT] know a lot of them 😜
Quite easy to create a post and send it. But not easy to track the data per post. We don't have all data from all dealers (some of them have no data).
- KPIs per post (clic in a post and see quickly the turnover, the engagement) - Be able to select a timerange when the post need to be scheduled. If the dealer publish the post after the timerange, the post don't have to be in their socialmedia (for exemple if we do a post for a specific race, their is no interest to post it 2 months after) - Upload a galery where admin / dealers can find pictures / content and use it when they need it
Social media made accassible for the whole company
I was searching for a way to get our lawyers more active on social media. This was THE answer. It is easy to use, even for the empoloyees that don't have an Apostle account yet but want to share 1 thing. They have the possibility to adjust posts to their liking and it gives them more interests in their online social media status over all. The software is easty to adopt, to use and the helpdesk is super approachable.
The fact that the tags in LinkedIn still have to be done in LinkedIn itself. So there's always a manual thing. Also I would like a communication possibility, a way to get feedback on the prepped post I suggested or ask them why they did or did not share something.
Very helpfull platform to promote your company. with great service and
Komentarze: We see that our employees are much more active on social media. They get more respons than before. And they like to make a personal brand for themselves. It also leeds to more brand awareness.
The software is helping our employees to set up a personal brand and promote our company on social media. After you've explained how to use the app, it is very easy in use. Apostle has a very good service. When you start using their software, they will check up on how it goes and they go through the Reports with you. Further, it's nice that you can plan when the content gets introduced to the employees.
There are a couple of features that we are missing in the first version, but Apostle is already working on it. It would be nice if you could tag people in your message. And we would like to see the Reports per person. That would be great additions.
Easiest way to engage employees & customers and social reach optimization
The ease with which the ambassadors can share a social message. Thanks to the Apostle app and the connection to social media channels, one push of a button is enough to share a message with a qualitatively strong and much larger social network. Because of the ease of use, it is ideal to implement within your social strategy.
The graphical possibilities for a social media editor can still be improved. This is currently being further developed.
Increasing online visibility via social media
Komentarze: Apostle has supported us in increasing our online visibility via social media. Together we set up a social media strategy and they provide us guidance in creating and posting interesting social media posts for our target audiences. As a result, the whole team is engaged/involed in being active on social media. Furthermore they supported us in making short corporate movies and Facebook campaigns.
- Apostle software is very user friendly - All colleagues can submit subjects, pictures and/or messages and Apostle creates and schedules an attractive post based on our input. - Apostle distributes the posts among the team members so everyone is active on social media
- Software shows the turnover rate (if a colleague shares the proposed post), but it would also be very interesting to see the social media impact (e.g. how many views/likes). - Currently tagging and adjusting a post are still extra manual steps on the social media platform. It would be nice if this can be incorporated in the software.

Easy to use product with a promising future
The support staff is responsive. Sometimes they are able to fix problems in a few days. Sometimes it takes longer, depending on the complexity of the fix.
I feel that our suggestions for new features are taken seriously. Although, implementation can take a while, as with any software solution.
We were looking for a software that would be super simple for our colleagues to use for Employee Advocacy. Everyone who has used it says that it is much easier than any other method they use for posting. In the beginning we offered training workshops to onboard new users. But, people told us they did not need it. So, we stopped offering them and have received no complaints. It is also flexible enough for us to organise users by product group, language and country. We also like the reporting capability.
We have a complex set-up involving multiple product groups, multiple countries and multiple languages. Managing the posts to make sure each user gets the right post with the right customer journey in the right language and the right website can sometimes be cumbersome. We would like to have all the features of the Android app also available on the iOS versions of the app.
Nice platform
We are piloting this system and it looks promising. The group of ambassadors is growing steadily. We see a nice growth in reach on the social media platforms with the Apostle messages. The support from Apostle itself is top notch.
Apostle is a great platform. The most difficult thing is to find colleagues who are not technically online oriented and who want to act as ambassadors. In addition, not everyone is equally active on social media. In addition, it is unfortunate that you cannot measure the exact reach of the shared messages.
Social media branding made easier
Komentarze: Apostle helps us work more efficiently towards social branding and employee engagement. There are still some features to be made but the Apostle team is always open for comments or problem solving.
Integrating Apostle in to our marketing methods was easy and reasonably fast. Setting up a contentcalender for all of our business pages is a whole lot faster then through our original methods.
Uploading content as can sometimes still be a bit of a hassle.
Perfecte combinatie tussen motiveren personeel en tools
Komentarze: Vriendelijke aanpakkers die geloven in hun product en visie.
Een middel om medewerkers eenvoudig berichten te laten delen. Een directe link met de persoonlijke social media om direct het bericht te kunnen plaatsen. In de beginfase was dat alles wat nodig was, naarmate het programma vorm krijgt komen er meer aspecten bij kijken. Bijvoorbeeld; gamification, contentplanning, berichten verdeling. Deze zijn in ontwikkeling en bij lancering een verhoging van gebruiksgemak. Dit komt altijd het bedrijfsdoel ten goede.
Complicaties en bugs. Toch door grondige testing sluipt er wel eens wat bij in. Ik neem het ze ook niet kwalijk, maar de eindgebruiker is al snel bezwaard om het in het vervolg te gebruiken. Juist die personen die hard nodig zijn om het bedrijfsdoel te halen.
Perfecte partij om je online bereik te vergroten!
Apostle is heel fijn om binnen een organisatie de 'social shift' te maken. Om iedereen bewust te maken van de online zichtbaarheid van het bedrijf waar je werkt. Om gemakkelijk verhalen te delen met je netwerk.
De medewerkers van Apostle zijn erg, vriendelijk, behulpzaam en reageren snel op issues!
-Het klaarzetten van berichten voor collega's -Makkelijk in gebruik -Integratie met bestaande bedrijfsprocessen is eenvoudig
-De berichtgeving in de app kan verbeterd worden (geen melding als je geen connectie meer hebt met Linkedin) -Het is niet heel makkelijk te zien dat je nog openstaande berichten hebt om te delen
Apostle software easy to use
The product/software is easy to use. Software integration is working good with various apps.
Pay even more attention to explaining updates
Erg fijn programma, heeft mijn werk een stuk makkelijker gemaakt!
Je hebt veel opties die je kan instellen, maar het is vooral super fijn dat je in 1 programma alles kan inplannen. Dat scheelt ons een hoop tijd & gedoe.
Wat wij jammer vonden is dat het nog niet mogelijk was om direct ook Instagram te kunnen plaatsen. Maar als het goed is is dat binnenkort wel mogelijk :).
Excellent tool for improving the engagement with B2B contacts
Komentarze: It is easy to get the team up-and-running. Very self explanatory features. After a 30-60 minutes workshop everyone understood what this tool delivers and helps them to share posts on social media.
Price/value performance. Ease of use. Fast implementation
Real statistics of reach are not available. These stats are predicted.
Arthur & Brent
Easy to use. Support is 'always' available.
Tagging / implementation with social business pages is complex
Essential tool to reach your audience via Social Media
- Userfriendly app - Onboarding is easy - Quick support - Possibility to define admins and users
The biggest challenge is to convince my people to use Social Media. However, since Apostle also supports this traject, it is not a real minus.
Enhancing your reach
Komentarze: apostle has an enthusiastic team that is willing to help customers reaching their goals
It's easy for colleagues to share a message via socials especially since they have little time to do so themselves. next to that they often don't know what text and images they should use.
for me the platform could be more visual and intuitive
Great tool for brand and employee advocacy
Very helpfull tool for our employees to post on LinkedIn.
It would be nice if the statistics are more clear
User friendly smart social application
Komentarze: The team of Apostle helped us were necessary; strategy, start-up and developing phase.
The fact that the application is easy to use helps employees to use it often.
It is good to see that they are continuous developing the application, to make it even more useable.