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Czym jest Scaleway?
Twórz, wdrażaj i skaluj swoją infrastrukturę dzięki Scaleway, jednemu z wiodących europejskich dostawcy usług w chmurze.
Wirtualne instancje dla obciążeń dostarczane w kilka sekund z opcjami kopii zapasowych, sieci i zabezpieczeń.
Same serwery w chmurze z dedykowanym w 100% sprzętem.
Skalowalna i niezawodna pamięć masowa do przechowywania obiektów i bloków.
Zaaranżuj swoje pojemniki z Kubernetes.
Automatyczna dystrybucja ruchu dzięki równoważnikom obciążenia.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Scaleway?
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Scaleway – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników

Scaleway Dedibox is the best servers hosting service
Komentarze: Satisfied and happy, best price best service.
I have been managing servers for customers hosted on Dedibox platform for more than 5 years now, It has been a very long Journey, it wasn't always very pleasant but over all the service was very reliable very affordable and the support was always great. I have also been hosting my own server on the platform.
Worst thing that happened was a sudden change of price for a server, and a cancelation of service without any prior notice for suspicion of fraud which wasn't based on any strong evidence and end up causing huge data loss. All those were some isolated cases and over all I would say I'm still satisficed with all the other Good aspects, and all the Happy long years we were getting a good service.
One of the best provider I ever used
Komentarze: A lot of improvements the last few years, reasonable prices, and top notch technology.
Everything is self-service, you can easily predict your bills, service is stable and customer support, on Slack, is awesome !
- Missing managed MongoDB hosting- That's it.
Lost all my data
Komentarze: Stay away if you're doing anything at all that you dont want to throw away.
While there is value for money, they lose your data at the drop of a hat.
Rebooted my server to find that all my data had been lost with no way to recover. This happened twice.
My experience with Scaleway
Ease of use when it comes to setup, scaling and installation, also the wide image library.
Network stability is one of the biggest issues I've had over the years of being a Scaleway customer, but I've seen it greatly improve over the last few months.
Scaleway is a good backup product for a good price
Cloud backup storage is cheap and has most of the functionality of Amazon.
Getting data into glacier was a pain. They only have two sites both in Europe.
My personal review and comment
Komentarze: With your server I can offer a cheap backup for my clients
Availability, speed of implementation and diversity of offers
When a server is broken, the support tends to imperatively want to replace it without the possibility of recovering the data.
Reliable and inexpensive server farm, with excellent service
Overall, today I set up servers only on Scaleway.
The service and prices are excellent. And the operation.
Highly recommend :)
My favorite thing is that there is excellent deployment ease, including in the API, and that the prices are excellent + per hour If you did not use, you did not pay. That it's really comfortable for software developers who want to test and try all sorts of options without committing too much. In addition, they have a variety of complementary services, like their S3 service, physical servers, and more I must also mention their built-in firewall. The attacks are stopped even before reaching the server (of course the server has extra protection, but it helps that it is stopped before) and it is really comfortable and excellent.
Unfortunately, there is no option to build a server from ISO. And also lacks the option of installing a Windows server, which is really important sometimes. Plus, it would have been very nice if it was possible to increase the main HD instead of connecting an external HD

Great company with great product
Komentarze: Client since many years, Scaleway Dedicated servers are the best. Support Team help me fastly when needed.
I really like dedicated servers from Scaleway Dedibox, because you can really manage your server
Manage dedicated server is really simple

The best cloud solutions for any project you need
Komentarze: Scaleway offers high performance with affordable pricing ,which clearly makes the difference over all cloud services available.
Easy to self-provision services and with lower prices than the global competence.
For this last 3 years I've only faced issues with with instances being unresponsive three times, though this is an expected bevahiour in any cloud environment. Having Support team engaged provide a solution within few hours.
Good value for money
ARM instances were the reason I wanted to go with Scaleway. With more and more ARM-based devices rolling out, having service instances running on ARM architecture is a big plus for any company.
The interface has gone through a few iterations but they never seem to quite hit the right one. I find it pretty difficult to navigate at this time.
Expérience décevante avec Scaleway - Support inacceptable
Komentarze: Je suis extrêmement déçu par les services de Scaleway, en particulier le support technique qui laisse à désirer. Mon serveur, qui héberge des sites Web critiques pour mes clients, a rencontré un problème matériel (barrette de mémoire défectueuse). Malgré plusieurs demandes, Scaleway n'a pas été capable de fournir une solution adéquate ou rapide. Leurs engagements contractuels de disponibilité et de réparation matérielle n'ont pas été respectés. J'ai demandé à plusieurs reprises des solutions (désactiver la RAM défectueuse, transférer les disques sur un autre serveur), mais ces demandes sont restées sans réponse. Résultat : des pannes prolongées, des données perdues, et un impact financier direct pour mes clients, qui ont dû réencoder manuellement des données perdues.
Tant que ça tourne, ça va... Dés qu'il y a un problème hardware, il ne peuvent rien faire.
Le qu'il y ai un support mais qu'il n'agit pas pour réparer leur matériel.
Scaleway VPS
Komentarze: From ordering to vps provisioning, everything is automized. Their customer service is also nice and friendly.
A all-in-one solution for server admins: high-quality vps with the lowest possible price, flexible IPs, free internal networking, S3 compatible object storage - combination of these can ease the development process significantly. ON top of these, I like their dedicated and free firewall where you can define custom rules based on port ranges and also IP ranges.
Previously, the dev-s server was very cheap. Now, due to increased R&D cost of Scaleway, this price became almost double which is understandable. But it would be nice if Scaleway provides a cheaper solution like it has before, maybe with a lower server configuration i.e. 1GB RAM or 512M RAM and 1 processor etc. I also want to see live server load for the latest 7-10 days minimum without installing any third-party software.
It is possible to grow with low costs
Komentarze: In my case I use scaleway to instantiate applications and hostings. By having low costs, I have been able to grow without having to invest large amounts of money, and feeling supported as the service has always been excellent.
I have used various VPS services and scaleway has fair instances that allow small businesses to grow. The console is excellent, it allows the customization of what is just and necessary. It has helped me to be able to increase my sales without having an excessive cost.
I think it would be nice to have databases at a slightly lower cost, for general use.

Object Storage de qualité
Komentarze: L’interface est très intuitive et il est facile de s’y retrouver. Les fonctionnalités sont en constante évolution et les tarifs sont très corrects pour la qualité fournie.
La facilité d’utilisation de leur solution d’object storage m’a permis de rapidement l’intégrer dans l’ensemble de mes projets. Rapide et peu coûteux c’est un vrai plus pour stocker tous ses assets.
Il me manque la possibilité d’ajouter un nom de domaine ou un sous domaine avec un certificat TLS pour pouvoir servir directement mes assets sous un nom customisé.
Sans contest, le meilleur cloud européen
Simplicité et clarté dans l'utilisation de la console. Mises à jour et ajout de fonctionnalités régulières
La changement de l'offre baremetal est décevante en terme de prix, il est maintenant nécessaire de débourser (à mon sens) une somme importante pour disposer d'un serveur physique?
Guaranteed safety and performance
A customer recommended that we deploy and store the project data in a Scaleway object storage space. We have already used other solutions from other providers. However, we really liked the speed at which the data is transferred. Sharing information with our client's work team has become very efficient. Someone uploads a file and in less than 2 seconds another is already downloading it. It's amazing how fast the storage is processed and published. We deployed a Stardust VPS to install the project manager. We were a bit concerned about latency and database throughput. But we were not disappointed, the instance has done a good job so far.
Does not accept prepaid credit cards. Some services are not contracted definitively, without first testing them. We are concerned about exposing the data of our clients and ours. So we resort to testing the services by paying with prepaid credit cards from our technical team, and if everything has worked well, we contract the service. We only contracted with Scaleway because a client recommended this service to us. But normally we wouldn't have bought it without trying it.
Reliable Hosting for Cheap
Komentarze: Scaleway is a brilliant hosting platform for small hobbyist developers such as myself. It's super cheap and reliable.
Insanely cheap, it's much cheaper than competitors' hosting. Very reliable, have never had it go down on me except for one bug due to me mis-understanding an option. SSH key synchronisation between all instances is very useful.
I would prefer if the console was automatically setup, without needing to set a root password. This is not much of an issue though.
Un très bon hébergeur et Français
Ce qui est le plus plaisant, c'est la rapidité de déploiement. En quelques clics, il est possible de déployer des applicatifs automatiquement. De plus, l'écosystème Scaleway est très complet : quasi toutes les distributions sont disponibles et beaucoup d'applications pré-installées sont mises à disposition.
Un effort est à prévoir sur la durée de vie d'un produit. Certains produits sont supprimés de l'offre et deviennent obsolète sans possibilité de faire de migration. Les tarifs ont tendance à augmenter légèrement, même si ils restent inférieurs à certains concurrents.
Efficace au bon prix
Komentarze: Je gagne en simplicité d'administration par rapport aux produits concurrents.
Facilité de configuration et évolution, un rapport performance/prix sans égal avec la concurrence.
La jeunesse fait qu'il manque des fonctionnalités mais elles arrivent petit a petit.
Great cloud solutions for small and larger business projects
Working with Scaleway has been a great experience for the last 4 years. Flexible deployments, fast provisioning of all services and great customer service are really making a difference for my business. Scaleway has recently accelerated its growth and you can see a lot of great innovations and new services being launched which are really exciting.
Some features were launched then suspended due to difficulties scaling the infrastructure. A good example of this is Object storage that was taken away for a long time before recently coming back.
Wide range of reliable and performant cloud services
Scaleway offers great cloud services at a fantastic price. I have used their cloud servers and object storage, their services are reliable, performant and easy to use. I also like that they have a wide variety of services that integrate very well for a 100% cloud infrastructure. Their support team is also fast to respond and was always able to solve my issues.
The only con I can think about is their payment methods, which are a bit restrictive. Some prepaid cards do not work and they do not offer other payment gateways, such as PayPal.
Cost effective dedicated server with decent quality
Komentarze: Overall good experience. I used their low tier products like extra small, small SSD servers. At that price no other company offer dedibox of this quality
1. Scaleway network is very good and high speed. ~800 Mbps upload and download speed 2. Full IPv6 support with PTR 3. Additional IP and IP block purchase option 4. FTP backup
1. Setup fee 2. Support response becomes slow after first response 3. IPv6 via DHCPv6. Need complex setup. However, works fine if done correctly 4. Can't split IPv6 block to more number than the IPv4 you have 5. Product must be cancelled by 20th of the month if user wish. Otherwise it will be billed for the next month
Qualité des serveurs laisser à désirer
les points fort sont simplement les tarifs qui sont attractifs
2ans que j'utilise les serveurs dédibox de chez online que je paye 42euros/mois en 2ans j'ai du changer de serveur 2fois les serveurs crash , les disques ne tienne pas la route, la qualité des serveurs laisse à désirer. sincerement je ne conseille pas du tout , à fuir si vous voulez pas perdre des clients et du temps.
Positive expérience
Komentarze: À good expérience. I never had an unplanned service outage.
Easy of use Have a dedicated server with esxi The support is reactive
The different dedicated server offers are more expensive if we compare them before the store and core offers.. The Network bandwith is no more garanteed with my offer but it was at the beginning.
La console qui est propre, les fonctionnalités nombreuses et qui fonctionnent bien.
J'aimerais plus de régions, Amérique et Asie.