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Czym jest Whale?
Whale to platforma szkoleniowa, która pomaga centralizować procesy, standardowe procedury operacyjne, reguły i wiedzę branżową, co pozwala szybciej wdrażać i szkolić swój zespół.
Pozbądź się przestarzałych dokumentów procesowych i podręczników szkoleniowych, a następnie wykorzystaj Whale, aby stworzyć we właściwym czasie nowoczesne doświadczenia szkoleniowe, które zapewnią wszystkim spójność i wiedzę.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Whale?
Małe i średnie firmy, które rozwijają się lub chcą skalować swoją wielkość. Firma wspiera wszelkiego rodzaju struktury biznesowe, które mają w sobie element procesu, taki jak EOS, Six Sigma itp.
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Whale – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników
The most user friendly training solution
Komentarze: Whale’s focus on developing client skills based on their processes was another highlight for us. It’s designed to help businesses grow by ensuring that their teams are proficient in the company's unique procedures and workflows. This focus on process-based skill development leads to more efficient operations and a better-prepared workforce - something that's key for us. Additionally, Whale's customer support is unparalleled, always ready to assist with any queries, ensuring users get the most out of the platform.
As digital marketing expert, there are a lot of moving parts and a lot to keep track of. I love how Whale simplifies the process of onboarding new employees, and ensuring everyone has access to consistent information. I really like that we can create and share content, assign tasks, and use quizzes to keep everyone about the news in our environment. It's really user friendly.
Whale takes customer feedback to heart. There is nothing I dislike and whenever I have a query, their customer success team is always able to support me in what I need.
Easy and simple
We were able to onboard new colleagues much faster than before. They were very satisfied with our approach.
By using the templates we create much more uniformity of our documents and the colleagues start documenting faster :)
The reaction of the support is TOP!
Really bridges the training and knowledge with the different profiles of employees. Intuitiveness & user friendly Outperforming other onboard tools or training software.
It isn't completely customizable yet (brand colors or logo cant be changed atm)
Very unsatisfied
Komentarze: Very unsatisfactory. When reaching out to Support With issues they only reply is, “ It’s clearly stated on the website”.
The only pro to this is it’s simplicity
The Custom ability is very minimal. Every employee can see every option And nothing can be customized. Custom services, poor and unwilling to be of assistance to a paying customer.