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Workfolio Directory
Czym jest Workfolio Directory?
Z łatwością stwórz potężny wykaz dla swojej organizacji. Rozwiązaniu temu zaufały już przedsiębiorstwa z listy Fortune 500 i startupy, wykorzystując je do zarządzania wewnętrznymi, publicznymi i prywatnymi katalogami związanymi z klientami. Wiele przydatnych funkcji w rozwiązaniu z jednym wykazem, w tym: dostosowane pola i listy rozwijane, różne warianty profili, szablony profili, opcjonalne zatwierdzenia zawartości, mikrowitryny klientów prywatnych, integracje API i wiele innych.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Workfolio Directory?
Workfolio obsługuje katalogi dla organizacji różnej wielkości na całym świecie.
Nie jesteś pewien, czy Workfolio Directory to dobre rozwiązanie?
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Workfolio Directory
Inne najlepsze rozwiązania alternatywne dla produktu Workfolio Directory
Workfolio Directory – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników
Great value, great service, easy to work with
Komentarze: Workfolio has been a great partner and has continued to evolve its products to meet the needs of its customers. They are extremely responsive and helpful. I give them a double thumbs up!
Great product for managing a large portfolio of professional resources. The Workfolio team worked with us to customize for our use case and the final product was outstanding. I could not have asked for better partners on the project. They were responsive, helpful, and most of all patient as we learned along the way and made many changes. These guys are the real deal when it comes to partners!
When we implemented Workfolio, it was a unique use case. We didn't know what we didn't know and it took longer than anticipated to get everything just the way we wanted it to work. That wasn't the Workfolio team's issue, that was OUR issue.
Changing B2B New Client Acquisition Process
In most B2B selling situations, the client has several types of buyers; i.e. economic, user, technical, etc. And the seller team had several different members including sales, pre-sales, technical, executive to name a few. Each buyer type needs different information at different times throughout the buying cycle usually delivered by different seller team members. Workfolio does an incredible job of digitally transforming these interactions. Providing the correct information at the right time delivered digitally is a game changer!
version 1 is good, version 2 changes the game.
Quick and Easy to Create Beautiful Directories
A new directory can be set up in minutes and it is easy for non-designers to create beautiful directories.
It can be difficult to find a cover photo that fits nicely, as you aren't able to preview before setting the image.
Komentarze: Very responsive company. Listened to our needs as far as future roadmap and provided access to resources when support needed.
This product should be used by everyone in the management consulting business. It is extremely easy to use and is a game changer as far as changing the way in which a pitch is delivered digitally.
There were features that related to administrative rights that were missing. However, they were added by Workfolio very quickly to our benefit and are now part of the roadmap. Workfolio has listened exceptionally well to our product feature needs.