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Czym jest TeamDesk?

Oprogramowanie online do zarządzania bazami danych. Można zbudować unikalną aplikację internetowej bazy danych, która ułatwi pracę z danymi, uporządkuje i przechowa informacje wykorzystywane w codziennej pracy, a także stworzy łatwo dostępne źródło danych dla zespołu. System jest w pełni konfigurowalny: użytkownik może zarządzać danymi w dowolny sposób i modyfikować aplikację w dowolnym momencie. TeamDesk zapewnia nieograniczoną liczbę rekordów, nieograniczone przechowywanie danych, nieograniczoną pomoc techniczną, stabilne stawki i bezpłatną wersję próbną.

Kto korzysta z produktu: TeamDesk?

Od małych firm po duże przedsiębiorstwa, od konkretnych producentów po pionowe integracje biznesowe – TeamDesk jest wystarczająco skalowalny, aby rosnąć wraz z potrzebami biznesowymi klientów.

Gdzie można używać produktu: TeamDesk?

Na chmurze

Informacje o sprzedawcy

  • ForeSoft
  • Założona w 2001

Wsparcie dla TeamDesk

  • Telefoniczna obsługa klienta
  • 24/7 (agent na żywo)
  • Czat

Dostępne kraje

Albania, Algieria, Antigua i Barbuda, Arabia Saudyjska, Argentyna i inne: 134


angielski, arabski, baskijski, bułgarski, chiński i inne: 40

Cena produktu: TeamDesk

Cena początkowa:

49,00 USD/miesiąc
  • Tak, ma darmową wersję próbną
  • Brak bezpłatnej wersji

TeamDesk nie ma wersji bezpłatnej, ale oferuje bezpłatną wersję próbną. wersja płatna TeamDesk rozpoczyna się od 49,00 USD/miesiąc.

Plany cenowe skorzystaj z bezpłatnej wersji próbnej

Informacje o sprzedawcy

  • ForeSoft
  • Założona w 2001

Wsparcie dla TeamDesk

  • Telefoniczna obsługa klienta
  • 24/7 (agent na żywo)
  • Czat

Dostępne kraje

Albania, Algieria, Antigua i Barbuda, Arabia Saudyjska, Argentyna i inne: 134


angielski, arabski, baskijski, bułgarski, chiński i inne: 40

Filmy i zdjęcia produktu: TeamDesk

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Film na temat produktu: TeamDesk
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Oprogramowanie: TeamDesk - 4
Oprogramowanie: TeamDesk - 5

Funkcje produktu: TeamDesk

  • Automatyzacja procesów biznesowych
  • Baza danych klientów
  • Bez kodu
  • Dystrybucja leadów
  • Fakturowanie medyczne
  • Importowanie/eksportowanie danych
  • Kontrola dostępu/zezwolenia
  • Konwersja bazy danych
  • Monitorowanie pacjentów
  • Narzędzia do pracy zespołowej
  • Pozyskiwanie leadów
  • Raportowanie/analityka
  • Real-Time Updates
  • Reklamacje elektroniczne
  • Szablony
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Tworzenie kopii zapasowych i odzyskiwanie danych
  • Tworzenie stron internetowych/aplikacji mobilnych
  • Ustalanie harmonogramu spotkań
  • Wyszukiwanie/filtrowanie
  • Zarządzanie ambulatoryjne
  • Zarządzanie dokumentacją pacjentów
  • Zarządzanie dokumentami
  • Zarządzanie dostawcami
  • Zarządzanie flotą
  • Zarządzanie integracjami
  • Zarządzanie iteracją
  • Zarządzanie kadrą lekarską
  • Zarządzanie kampaniami
  • Zarządzanie klientami
  • Zarządzanie kontaktami
  • Zarządzanie pacjenatami w szpitalu
  • Zarządzanie przepływami pracy
  • Zarządzanie roszczeniami
  • Zarządzanie spotkaniami
  • Zarządzanie wysyłką
  • Zarządzanie zadaniami
  • Zarządzanie zgodnością z przepisami
  • Zarządzanie zleceniami
  • Zdalna pomoc techniczna
  • Śledzenie interakcji
  • Śledzenie roszczeń

Rozwiązania alternatywne dla produktu: TeamDesk

Airtable to platforma aplikacji bez kodu, która umożliwia osobom znajdującym się najbliżej pracy przyspieszenie najważniejszych procesów biznesowych.
Stwórz własną aplikację biznesową za pomocą Ninox, która pasuje do Twojego przepływu pracy. Ninox umożliwia integrację rozwiązań CRM, ERP, HR i wielu innych…
Zwiększ współczynnik konwersji leadów o 300% dzięki internetowemu, wielokanałowemu systemowi zarządzania leadami dla firm wszystkich rodzajów i wielkości. Dowiedz się więcej na temat produktu: Zoho CRM
Caspio to jedna z wiodących na świecie platform bezkodowych do tworzenia internetowych aplikacji baz danych bez konieczności pisania kodu.
monday.com to system operacyjny w chmurze, w którym zespoły prowadzą swoje projekty i codzienną pracę, niezależnie od tego, czy są w biurze, w domu, czy w podróży.
Wrike to oprogramowanie do zarządzania projektami dla przedsiębiorstw, z szablonami, śledzeniem czasu pracy, wykresami Gantta, tablicami Kanban, raportami i innymi opcjami.
Zoho Creator to niskokodowa platforma / oprogramowanie programistyczne, które pomaga w tworzeniu spersonalizowanych aplikacji gotowych do pracy mobilnej, w celu prowadzenia firmy.
Wznieś relacje z pacjentami i członkami na nowy poziom dzięki Salesforce Health Cloud.
Potężne treści, zaangażowanie klientów i oferty odkrywania produktów, które pozwalają osiągnąć prawdziwą personalizację i napędzają niezrównany wzrost.

TeamDesk – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników

Średni wynik

Informacje ogólne
Łatwość użytkowania
Obsługa klienta
Warte swojej ceny

Recenzje według wielkości firmy (pracownicy)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Filtruj recenzje według punktacji

Officer w kraju: Indie
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Motoryzacja, Pracownicy: 1 001–5 000
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta

An easy tool that enables users to organise, store, retrieve information from databases efficiently

3,0 4 lata temu

Komentarze: An impressive database solution which allows users build databases from scratch allowing objects to be modified and created according to bespoke needs of the organisation


Easy to create predefined database with required fields and size Easy to link spreadsheets , data tables and records seamlessly


Should improve the customisation of database with more attributes More modes should be introduced such as test so that UAT can be carried out easily

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

4 lata temu

Thank you for your review, Issac. TeamDesk provides a "test mode" environment, which is called "Development Branch", allowing to perform configuration changes against real data without a risk to mess with the structure. Dev Branch configuration may be promoted or discarded.

COO - Director Regional de Servicios w kraju: Kolumbia
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Telekomunikacja, Pracownicy: 201–500
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

It's not just a cloud database

5,0 7 lat temu


In the organization that I lead, TeamDesk has helped us to automate a large part of our Business Intelligence processes, being able not only to store the information that we manage internally and of our clients, but to integrate it with other cloud systems and giving much more value to that information. It has allowed us to generate cloud platforms for ticket management, geolocation, cost control, cloud reporting, information management, mobile applications, to name a few. The stability of the platform is wonderful. In 4 years of use we have not had a single incident that decreases the overall uptime of the solution. In terms of performance, the ability of the platform to manage and graph information of millions of data in real time is surprising. Another thing that I love is that there is a community of users where we share ideas and new developments, which are listened to continuously by Foresoft and that allows you to have a clear roadmap of the service over time. The support service of Foresoft is very delicate, its service times are in line with any global operation and they are always attentive to any doubts one may have to improve the internal business. We are very grateful for the Teamdesk and Foresoft service, and I am sure that it can help many other companies as it has done with mine.


Not problems or cons, I believe that the platform must move to the next level with well-defined Big Data processes, which will surely be on Foresoft roadmap soon.

Calvin Peters
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

Innovative, Powerful and Simple

5,0 7 lat temu


If you're familiar with nothing more than the user's side of a database then Teamdesk gives you the power to create your own vision. Understanding programming language(s) is not a requirement. The development console makes learning to use Teamdesk simple. It is scalable, secure and easily deployable across user platforms. The customer support is second to none! The team is very quick to respond, solidly committed to providing a robust and secure product and very effective in problem-solving with lots of guiding advice to make development and innovation work smooth. They have never let me down and always go above and beyond the call. They are always listening to their user base for new ideas and feedback and are constantly updating, evolving and innovating. We looked at a number of options and even tried a few others before settling with TD but none were as easy to get up and running to start or as easy to learn and develop.


I have used TD for 8 years now and the constant innovation loop built into their user feedback has mitigated most shortcomings before I realized there was something missing. I honestly have found no "cons" to date.

Wlk. Bryt.
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

Fantastic product and customer service

5,0 7 lat temu


I used Filemaker and Filemaker server for many years before wanting a cloud solution (Filemaker can in theory be cloud based but it's difficult and sluggish). TeamDesk is basically Filemaker plus a hundred times better! And, it has the benefit of being in the cloud. TeamDesk recently implemented Zapier integration (still in beta) which has taken their product to another level for us. We have the database communicating with all sorts of websites, apps and services increasing our productivity by an immense amount! It's hard to stress how fantastic this database is for functionality and what it can do. If you have a problem (like with a formula), you get a quick response from support, usually with a solution (I don't think there's much this database can't do).


There is only one "cons" to the product and that's probably the end user UI. Forms for filling in data are a little bit old fashioned and so are the reports (views) of data. Generally it's in spreadsheet format and you can add colour to the row or text but not much else.* This really doesn't matter though! It's functionality and getting things done quickly are what really matters and in this regard it excels. *I think you can now add CSS to the database to improve it's look but I've not bothered with that.

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

Better & cheaper than Quickbase but lacking mobile form to record (much needed)

5,0 7 lat temu


It's better in may ways than Intuit Quickbase. Also much cheaper. Great service almost around the clock and 7 days a week. Relatively easy to use but you will need a programer for some functions (see cons) Pricing is much better than Quickbase Surprisingly the app looks ok to work with on the mobile but lacking mobile form to record (see cons)


BIG negative: no responsive good web to record form which forces you to find an external form app and waste a lot of time with CSS and API development and.... fixing problems. Too long for needed features to be added like "plus" for auto adding additional input fields. There are also glitches like not being to add "none" as an option. TeamDesk is adding features only months after the market has a need for them. Sporadic issues with speed and API calls Adding update needed features will make TeamDesk perfect. Not easy to set good appearance of the records.

Applications engineer w kraju: Indie
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 201–500
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

Best web database building application for the team

3,0 4 lata temu

Komentarze: With this platform the business and the data management can be done for the overall teams and can be maintained with the best back up facilities


The complete Business management and the control can be done in a sophisticated way. The communication between the different teams in a single platform and tracking the activities between them can be done very easily. The daily activities can be clearly segregated and maintained.


The user interface takes much time to identify the features available. The interface can be like customised and little helpful. No other drawbacks found in the stool.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

4 lata temu

Thank you very much for the review, Harsha.

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

The backbone of our business

5,0 7 lat temu


Team desk is the backbone of our company. Every single aspect of the business is implemented using this platform. We are paperless as a result and can work from anywhere, we don't need to be in the office. It is very very flexible and very easy to program and very easy to use. I highly recommend this product. Whether you want to use it to help you with certain tasks (whether its business or personal or communal tasks) or you want your full-blown business processes on there, this is the platform to be on. Customer service is amazing. They help customize and solve your problems for you.


Its been many years since we have been using this platform and frankly I have not come across an issue I wanted to be implemented or solved that could not be done.

Co-Founder w kraju: Francja
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Szkolnictwo podstawowe/średnie, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

A real life changer at work

5,0 7 lat temu


- Cuts dramatically administrative costs - Speeds up and makes more reliable commercial / administrative processes - Enable to share information in the company in a very efficient and organized way - Very useful for project orientated teams - Applicable to many processes in the company (sales, accounting, production, T&E, task tracking, ...) - Personalized to each company (way more than any ERP !!) - Cheap in regards to the value it creates - Very responsive after sales team (the best I have seen so far)


Difficult to fill this category as this product is really great - Oldish interface - No video trainings - Mobile app is useful but could do way way more

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

Fantastic product

5,0 7 lat temu


I have a small medical billing business and have several contractors that assist me remotely. I am able to track a tremendous amount of information easily in Team Desk and am extremely pleased with the product. As a non technical person, I have received much customer support from TD in regards to implementing customized changes. It can basically do anything you want it to do and the changes are relatively easy to make., even without a technical aptitude. Highly recommend.


TD expects you to figure out and learn to make your own changes to the database. This part is challenging for me. They do have customer support that will assist, and their first attempt is to point you to the appropriate help section. If I can't figure something out however, they will intervene and make the changes for me.

Strategic Account Specialist w kraju: USA
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Administracja państwowa, Pracownicy: 201–500
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 1–5 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

My overall experience with TeamDesk

3,0 4 lata temu

Komentarze: We have been able to effectively organize data and information in real-time.


The database allocated by TeamDesk allows me to store, share and synchronize data in the cloud in real time.


Unavailability of the free trial version is the biggest challenge that I have ever encountered, though all worked perfectly well since the company catered for the fee.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

4 lata temu

Dear Brittany, Thank you for the review. TeamDesk provides a 14-days free trial that can be extended, if you need more time. Moreover, if you subscribe before the end of your free trial period, the rest of free trial days will be added to the subscription period.

Owner w kraju: USA
Rozwój programów, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

10+ years and keeps getting better and better!

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: I started out programming in Teamdesk over 10 years ago for a single client. I programmed for them for 5 years before starting my own business programming primarily in Teamdesk. If you are in a niche market or work remotely this is the program you need. We've programmed HIPAA compliant patient management, sales, inventory, fleet management, rental management, office processes, truck-driver compliance, and the list just goes on.


I've been programming Teamdesk databases for over 10 years. They have been super responsive to client input and requests for new features.


There are few things I dislike about this software. Every time I find something I don't like I can talk to them to find out why it's like that or make a suggestion for a change. Users can also "vote" on people's suggestions so they are working on what their clients really want.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thank you for taking the time to leave us such a nice review.

Mr w kraju: Wlk. Bryt.
Księgowość, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Let's me sleep at night

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: I run a small accountancy practice in the UK. I use Teamdesk to manage data about our clients, jobs and time spent by staff. We use its mail merge capability to produce letters and checklist. We use it's workflow functions to send ourselves alerts and automate communication to clients. I have found the support very good.


I like the ease of customising the database the most. I get an idea and I can implement it in minutes.


Honestly I cannot think of anything I don't like,

Rozważane rozwiązania alternatywne: Zoho CRM

Powody wybrania produktu: TeamDesk: I quickly realised that for me it was better to have a database that could be customised to my business rather than trying to fit my business to standard accountancy practice CRM software. I tried to do this myself previously with MS Access but could not achieve what I wanted. Teamdesk made it easier.

Powody przejścia na produkt: TeamDesk: I quickly got Teamdesk to do what I needed.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thanks for the review, Tony. Special thanks to you from the support team.

CEO w kraju: Irlandia
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

A great product with a fantastic support team

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: With TeamDesk I was able to implement a cloud bookkeeping app which I have been considering for years. Key was that I could this entirely on my own without a large development team and with the absolute certainty that the folks at TeamDesk would keep the infrastructure running in the background.


Fasts to set up, easy to use, intuitive, flexible, fantastic support. I have developed a multi-client product entirely on my own, i.e no large development team needed, which now has multiple organisations and users working off the one data set and the one code base. In order to achieve this the TeamDesk team had to make some enhancements to thier product which they helpfully embraced and implemented.


In some areas I have pushed the product beyond its intended usage boundaries and as a result I sometimes have speed issues. This could also be be due to latency issues as I am located in Europe and the TeamDesk servers are in the US. However I understand that European servers are being considered.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thanks for the fantastic review, Philipp.

Director w kraju: USA
Nieruchomości komercyjne, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Teamdesk is the cornerstone of our operations!

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: Great for record keeping & organized systems.


I love the ability to customize to continue to improve our operational systems. I also really like being able to use the software at any time and any place I have internet. It is also helpful to be able to open more than one teamdesk window at a time while working on multiple projects and updates at a time - and they have thought of everything because if we try and save a file while another is open it will notify of that and make us confirm. Thank you Teamdesk team!!


a slight lag in question/response - not immediate - which is okay & I understand not completely necessary :)

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thank you very much for the review, Michael.

CEO w kraju: Australia
Zarządzanie edukacją, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Review of TeamDesk

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: The business now has extensive customer information all in one area. From documentation of all contact with our customers from the sales team, to the training information on what course the customers employees have completed. Creating certificates is a breeze, identifying who did a course along with what the sales team have told them to what equipment they have purchased.
All in one easy to use area that I can control who has access to! brilliant!


Ease of customisation and flexibility in use for our company. we have a central database for all our sales and education information. Also love that we can export information for our customers and as a sales report for our Board. We have been in business as a training organisation for over 20 years and this is the best database we have ever had.


Sometimes takes me a while to work out how to change things!

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thank you, Frances, for the review. We are glad that TeamDesk database empowers your business management.

Managing Director w kraju: Francja
Ropa naftowa i energetyka, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Great tool for automation and teamwork

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: - CRM (clients/ offer generation/ purchasing)
- Invoice management
- Travel Expenses Management
- Quality Review from customers


- the easiness to implement a solution for sharing information in a team, setting a process - the variety of systems to which you can connect TeamDesk for Inputs (mail, mobile, JSON ) and outputs (mail, web) - the value for the price (number of tables, amount of storage) - the INCREDIBLE helpline team which really helps you until your trouble is solved


- The interface is oldish (visually)

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thanks for the great review, Pierre.

Marketing and Business Development w kraju: USA
Architektura i planowanie, Pracownicy: 201–500
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Easy to Use, Reliable, Great Support!

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: Using TeamDesk has simplified the task of managing a high volume of marketing information for a professional services firm. We store project and resume data, narratives, client contact information, and more. Great product!


Teamdesk is a great product that is easy to customize, even for a non-techie like me! We use it for a marketing database for an AE firm. We have been able to customize to exactly meet our needs with a better result than those provided by the industry-leading databases. The support has been great. TeamDesk professionals have helped me achieve my goals. They respond quickly and thoroughly.


Honestly, I have not found any cons with the software.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thanks for the great review, Suzanne. We are glad that TeamDesk meets your needs.

CEO w kraju: Czechy
Technologia i usługi informacyjne, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

perfect to create database solutions in a really easy way!

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: it´s filling up exactly the market niche between senseless "drag and drop" solutions with less functionality or to develop your project from the scratch.


if you understand what you want and how a database is working you can realize your projects in an unbelievable short time without the need not to care about css, html and so on. i am really glad that i found a fast and easy solution where i don´t need to care about the GUI and can do almost the same as if would program it myself.


nothing at all, but would be nice if there would be an integrated backup functionality to schedule regularly backups to a smb share or some cloud services.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thank you, Oliver, for the review and new ideas.

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

Thank you Teamdesk

5,0 7 lat temu


Easy set up! All features you need for a small to medium size business! Very fast speed! Great support! I tried to duplicated one table on a Saturday afternoon, but messed up the relationship between tables and the whole data base went down. Tried to dial the support line and there are somebody there take care this, even with heavy accent, we are able to get the database back on Saturday evening! Just 3 hours, they solved issue.


1. Interface is not as modern to reflect the trends, preset color option for fields is limited. Anyway, the color and font is not attractive, I guess the Teamdesk is build up by technology genesis, not marketing company. 2. Database server restarted once and took about 2 days to rebuilt index, called in and the support team explained to us and all database fully recovered without any damage. 3. The communication with other App only inbound for now, but we can work with other apps to solve this issue.

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

Extremely flexible WYSIWYG database

5,0 7 lat temu


As a non-developer I was able to customize this database to our exact business requirements, and am on an ongoing basis able to easily adjust workflows to match evolving business needs. Support is always quickly responsive to any issues. Amazing value for the money. Since we have been using teamdesk (about 4 years) they have actively grown and introduced many new useful features such as a REST api, zapier integration, and the ability to generate PDF documents.


I wish we could have a white label, streamlined onboarding experience for new users. But this is far outweighed by the flexibility and power of the core feature set.

Owner w kraju: Kanada
Sprzedaż hurtowa, Pracownicy: 11–50
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

Easy to use, best support

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: Best of the best apps


Very easy to understand and set up, can connect almost every apps via zappier. Great customer support, even on the weekend I get called back


Maybe the font, the color theme short of art sense!

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thanks for the review, George. Special thanks to you from the support team.

Logistics Coordinator w kraju: USA
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Ropa naftowa i energetyka, Pracownicy: 1 001–5 000
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

Wonderful functionality

5,0 7 lat temu


Ease of use; I can use TeamDesk from my phone which makes my job so much easier. User interface is simple and attractive The functionality is great The ability to use and manipulate data is very useful The ability to create new tables and views, edit existing ones and gather just the right information is extremely valuable.


I can't think of much that I don't like about it. It's easy to use, easy to edit, and easy to connect from anywhere!

Wlk. Bryt.
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 1 rok
Źródło recenzenta
Źródło: GetApp

Excellent range of features and rapid development time

5,0 7 lat temu


Product is easy to use and has a wide range of powerful features. We were able to development our business critcal application in less than one month after we were forced to move away from Trackvia due to them withdrawing support from the version of their product we used. We were able to replicate all of the required functionality with TeamDesk and add a range of added value features that we not available within our old product.


We haven't found any cons within the TeamDesk application and their support has been excellent, responding quickly to any queries we had,

Zweryfikowany recenzent
Zweryfikowany użytkownik LinkedIn
Gościnność, Pracownicy: 51–200
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: 6–12 miesięcy
Źródło recenzenta

TeamDesk makes it easy to work with data.

5,0 6 lat temu

Komentarze: Love TeamDesk— suggest to all non-competition


Software is easily customize able. Easy to develop a wide range of applications for all business functions. Very good customer support.


Cluttered UI, isn’t integrated with some of my other business software.

Ecommerce w kraju: Meksyk
Motoryzacja, Pracownicy: 2–10
Wykorzystano oprogramowanie w następującym celu: ponad 2 lata
Źródło recenzenta

The best solution out there

5,0 6 lat temu


Simple and easy to use. Fully customizable to your needs. Easy to modify and adapt on the fly. Very responsive. Makes work so much easier.


It lacks some features to be trully perfect. But really it is the greatest.

Odpowiedź sprzedawcy: ForeSoft

6 lat temu

Thank you very much for the review , Alvaro.