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Emburse Expense Enterprise (formerly Chrome River Expense)
Czym jest Emburse Expense Enterprise (formerly Chrome River Expense)?
Chrome River umożliwia prowadzenie biznesu największym renomowanym globalnym organizacjom na świecie. To wysoce konfigurowalne, oparte na chmurze rozwiązanie do raportowania wydatków zostało wyposażone w elegancki i intuicyjny interfejs użytkownika, który prezentuje równie wysoką jakość na smartfonie, tablecie lub laptopie. Produkty SaaS zostały wyposażone w światowej klasy silnik reguł biznesowych i infrastrukturę technologiczną, z których chętnie korzystają dyrektorzy finansowi, zespoły finansowo-księgowe, menedżerowie podróży i osoby podróżujące służbowo.
Kto korzysta z produktu: Emburse Expense Enterprise (formerly Chrome River Expense)?
Ponad 1000 wiodących organizacji na całym świecie wybrało Chrome River do zarządzania globalnymi podróżami, wydatkami i fakturami. Z tego rozwiązania korzystają średnie, duże i szybko rozwijające się przedsiębiorstwa.
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Emburse Expense Enterprise (formerly Chrome River Expense)
Inne najlepsze rozwiązania alternatywne dla produktu Emburse Expense Enterprise (formerly Chrome River Expense)
Emburse Expense Enterprise (formerly Chrome River Expense) – Recenzje od zweryfikowanych użytkowników

Able to track expense reports
I've used chrome river for various roles within my organization. It's a great way to track expenses I submitted for reimbursement. I love the use friendly interface and how it allows me to upload a pdf scan of the document. Being able to upload the scan has saved time that I would've spent writing each report.
The math feature on the app isn't right sometimes. For example, it reports $503.86 as 503,860 which is confusing.
Great Visibility for Business Expenses
Komentarze: We are keeping track of all corporate spend, and submitting them all on time now. The visibility of where all expenses are in their approval process has been great for our users. Since everything flows faster, we are able to process reimbursements faster too. Our ability to also track compliance violations helps with know where user need additional training. The compliance reports are very useful.
Integration with our corporate card program has been such a time saver. All users are able to track and expense their incurred business expenses in a timely fashion, and that helps with decision making. We also integrate with our travel agency, so expencing full trips now take way less time.
Setting up the routing rules was a challenge with some of the exceptions we had to work through, but once the time was spent to consider everything, the system does what we expect.
Not intuitive, a hassle every month
Drop down menus are somewhat useful, but overall awkward interface.
The interface is not intuitive at all. Info is missing. Nothing makes sense. I'm clicking on everything just to try to move forward through the process.
Chrome River Expense Review
Komentarze: Overall experience has been very positive as all employees are now using it and we are saving time and money. We can rely on the system to help us with the process and the automation helps us manage the process.
The system creates a workflow that saves us time and money. It enforces our expense policy so the administrators don't always have to be the bad guy. It also integrates with other systems such as our HR system (employee feeds), our corporate credit cards and out Concur travel system.
The admin features can be a bit tricky to use. Features aren't always in the most intuitive place. The CR team is working on changing everything around. Once things are found/explained, it is a nice system to use. The help desk can also be slow to respond. Most times i want to be able to pick up the phone and call someone rather than dial 1-800 help.
Chrome River Expense - Easy to Use
Komentarze: Monthly expense reimbursement and categorization used to be an extremely time consuming task. With CR Expense, it is now very efficient and streamlined. Our overall monthly close process has been sped up by at least 15%, simply because of CR Expense.
It is extremely easy to use. Our entire organization now uses it on a daily basis. It has completely streamlined our expense processes.
Implementation took a while, but we did eventually get it customized perfectly for our organization.
Mercury is wonderful!
The new receipt functions within Mercury are a life saver for the auditing process. We love the way it crops and attaches the receipts to individual line items, it makes auditing a breeze rather than going through countless pages of receipts. Its a huge time saver and that is important as we have such a high volume.
Help Desk Turn Around time could be better.
Customizable User Friendly Expense Platform
Komentarze: Chrome River has worked closely with us to understand our business and business needs. The staff is innovative and eager to solve any issues your business presents.
The ability to build rules around compliance and polices is top notch.
The reporting (Analytics) isn’t as easy to navigate as it should be.
Excellent Solution for Expense Report Automation
Komentarze: Chrome River has been such a valuable tool for our Firm, especially with the challenges raised by COVID-19. Our ability to work with EXPENSE remotely was unaffected.
The OCR capability is fantastic...expenses can be captured from anywhere using any device and interpreted as accurately (in many case more so) than our users! Really saves time and enforces compliance.
We really don't have anything not to like...it just works!
Chrome River makes expense management part of my day.
Komentarze: Amazing customer support, very simple Apps, great training options.
Simplicity, great customer support, and fit our budget.
Implementation was a bit challenging through all the Covid-19 stuff, but the Chrome River team was assume and supported us until we had it figured out.
Expense report
Komentarze: Chrome River has been a great company to work with. They are always open to hear about features that would make our lives easier and try to accommodate when possible.
The digital receipts and paperless. You can do everything on an app. People get paid faster. Easy to use just click on the icon you want and fill in the data.
Some customization are a bit challenging at times.
Chrome River is Great once Set Up
Komentarze: Emburse Chrome River put us in a great position when the pandemic hit and everyone was working from home. It was a much easier transition than it would have been if we were still manually processing with paper. The geographic ease of use across our offices is something I think is huge compared to other options. Due to the effort in setup, we also have a highly customized workflow that handles volume, and we work at a pretty rapid pace now with a relatively small staff.
Chrome River is highly accessible and available across many devices and platforms. You basically just need and internet connection. This allows us to work and function across many dispersed offices. It's a fairly easy interface for the average user, and puts the ability to quickly submit an expense in the purchaser's hands. We are able to send data to and from Chrome River, which is vital. Emburse stays ahead with technology and is working on AI receipt readers.
The integration certainly felt like a struggle. Basic data feeds were easy, but when we updated our accounting software from Elite Enterprise to Elite 3E, the export integration - which was fully handled by the CR development team - did take quite a bit of time and effort to get right. It's working great now though, but was more effort than anticipated to set up initially. I would advise to keep custom rules simplified if possible too. Overall the product is good, it's just about getting it set up in my opinion.
Emburse Chrome River Expense Experience
Komentarze: First of all, with all of our rules built into Emburse Chrome River, it keeps us all honest. It automated our travel process which some thought it could not be done. It saves us expenses in all the paper not being used anymore. And last but not least, it is user friendly.
The ability to track where in the process the expense report is, is my favorite part. The software helped us come from the paper document into the real world. When COVID19 hit, travel could still be approved even though there were many restriction on travel at the time. Thank you Emburse Chrome River for an excellent software package.
When we first went live with Chrome River then, we went live with the Mercury version and a lot of things were still on the Platinum version so a little inconvenient at the time. Here in 2021, everything is in Mercury so really there is not any cons.
Emburse Chrome River--Travel and Expense Management for Higher Ed
Komentarze: We've literally saved over a million sheets of paper in ~30 months. CR Expense was a huge step forward for us and we look forward to continuing to improve along with the software.
Emburse Chrome River has empowered the local admins more every month we've been a customer. This allows us to create a familiar and intuitive system for our users.
Would still like additional capabilities for reviewers/approvers to modify expense reports. I believe CR is moving in this direction soon, however. This will be a great change!
Chrome River - Easy Expenses!
Komentarze: We went from an in-house excel based expense report to CR so it was amazing to go from a spreadsheet to a real expense submission site. The improvements that came with the app and how easy it is to do expense reports now make the old way seem like a nightmare
CR Expense makes expense reports incredibly easy, both from the submission to the approval. The newer apps also alleviate the need to collect a folder of receipts that you have to later attach to paper and scan in manually, as with the app you can sign in on your phone or tablet and take a picture of the receipt right there. For other things, like receipts you receive via email, it was just as easy to sign into the site and upload a PDF copy of the email. Or if you still want to do everything at once, you can upload all your receipt images and attach them to individual items that way as well. With the available options and easy use there is no reason for people to be missing images or late on submission
The only down side/complaint I have is the "old" version (pre-mercury) still requires flashplayer. And I don't believe the admin tool has been migrated to mercury either so you still need to go into the old site to manage anything manually or investigate problems
Chrome River Expense - Expense reports made easy
Komentarze: Chrome River has been a great company to work with. They are always open to hear about features that would make our lives easier and try to accommodate when possible. We have since started using their Invoice capture service to help automate AP even more and the results have been fantastic.
This software lets our users attach receipts hands free by either emailing receipts or using the Chrome River SNAP app. This allows delegates to go in and create expense reports for our users who would rather have their assistant perform this practice. The software is also usable on any computer, smart phone or tablet allowing users to work from anywhere they have an internet connection. Chrome River is also integrated with our Corporate credit card (US Bank) so transactions come through showing our users exactly which items need to be submitted. The product also integrates with Uber, Lyft, and Spot Hero so those receipts are automatically sent to Chrome River.
We have not had any major issues with the software. The OCR function for reading receipts does not always work as well as you would like but this only makes users select a different expense type than is suggested.

Expense System on the Go
Komentarze: The system has streamlines our expense process allowing us to eliminate paper reports and move the whole company to a single expense system
The flexibility of mobile use and user interface
The limitation of customization of Mexico VAT
Great way to bring our University into the 21st century and strive for paperless expense management.
Komentarze: Auotmation
The routing rules, compliance rules and the ease of being able to track items quickly. Enabling the user to have more flexibility in timing and to not spend the majority on their time on "paper-work" shuffling. Creating an "all-in-one" place for reporting and multiple functions that can reduce headaches from both the fund manager, auditor, payables' team and the users.
The platform becoming not a fully functional system and the fix for the problem taking months to correct when all of the programming and configuration was completely in tact prior to any "upgrade" globally.
It has been frustrating
Just looks "Pretty". As an end user, since I have been using this program in our company, I haven't found anything with Chrome River which made me think what a great program.
Not user friendly, at all. It takes the Chrome River support help weeks to respond to your request. The features that Chrome River offers is too restricted and they are not tailored with our needs in the company. The final report is too long and keeps repeating the same information in different line entries. Overall, the previous simple program which our company used was much more user friendly and easy to process and use.
Great Expense Reporting
We really like the UX/UI. Many of our employees are less tech savvy, so simplicity was a key factor in our decision making process. We also have the ability to customize our expense reporting to match our job setup.
We are in the middle of implementing Chrome River's audit feature. We have run into a few hiccups there because the feature is pretty strict and has rejected some acceptable expense reports.
Excellent Tool to go from paper to Digital Expense Review
Komentarze: Chrome River helped us digitize, and streamline our expense claims and workflows for all levels of our organization.
from a user perspective, this software has helped eliminate steps in submitting and processing expense claims. The use of the Snap App to process the paper claims and combined with OCR capabilities help to make claims a breeze compared to our older manual method. Further, our AP team and others have gained greater efficiencies by being able to collect this information in real-time and process it faster. Easily integrates with other accounting system or organization uses. Easy to use user interface.
The reporting/analytics features can be revamped, as well as greater flexibility in customization. Overall, the tool does a great job.
Good tool for automating Travel expense and claims, makes easy to manage employee claims
Komentarze: We have automated our Travel/tour reimbursement process with Chrome River. The system does save us a lot of processing and getting the bills on time. The option for itemizing the bills is also great for dividing expenses into different heads!
The ability to submit bills directly by scanning and uploading is a very good feature. Definitely saves time and resources - sending bills by courier or mail. The automation in travel/tour claims and reimbursements is a must have feature and Chromeriver is good at it. Works well with our travel portal and Hotel Vendors. The rules and flexibility offered is great for controls and monitoring spends.
The interface looks clunky and not that intuitive. The workflow also is not that straight forward, with different steps required sometime unnecessarily. Its response time sometimes becomes too slow. We had 2-3 maintenance shutdowns and it was not acceptable.
Not Recommended for Back-End Corporate Credit Card Reconciliation
Komentarze: SAPO Concur is a far superior product for back-office AP credit card expense reconciliation & payment.
There is very little to like about it.
It may work great for linking receipts photographed with a mobile device, but it is lousy for reconciling expenses made with a corporate credit card where staff turn in expenses that are scanned on flatbed scanner and PDF'd. CR frequently misreads $$ amounts, and then when you attempt to match a scanned receipt in the Report, it incorrectly assigns the "Pay Me" option.
A good upgrade to our Expense Reconciling Procedures
Komentarze: We use Chrome River to reconcile all Purchasing Card transactions as well as all Travel transactions. It is much easier to use than the previous system and has great reporting features and the ability to go back and review previous transactions and documentation is fantastic!
Very easy to use, has a lot of report functionality and can add notes and attachments super easily as needed.
Limited on approval routing, but not so much that it has been difficult to adjust to.
Chrome River Expense Review
Komentarze: Chrome River has saved us time. Approvers like that it's user-friendly, and the simplicity to review and approve while traveling.
That it's easy to use and keeps us in compliance.
The turnaround time when we make a change or add a tile.
Efficiencies increase over 50%!!
Komentarze: At Indiana State University we use Chrome River for all of the Travel expense reimbursements. The product is a great tool to have, especially in today's environment. I was able to process requests remotely from home.
I am so happy that this system was in place prior to COVID19. Electronic invoicing made it easy to review and approve expense reports and pre-approvals for travel. Routing steps that were already determined per index made it easy for approval to be completed without requiring signatures from everyone. Adobe signature is not readily available for everyone.
We have had some issues with the files from Chrome River being